My Dr Is Refusing A C Section
60 Replies
Yeah, and it's pretty sad so many women are willing to jump unbder a knife.
| Em - January 13 |
I went through 8 hours of hard pitocin labor before my emergency C and all I can tell you is that I honestly cannot remember what exactly that pain felt like...the pain didn't leave a scar. It is like everyone just post traumatic stress syndrome in new moms. You'll be ok.
I never heard of a Dr. doing that i would get on the phone and call around to diffrent Dr.s you have the right to have a c-section if you want
You mean you have never heard of a doctor NOT doing something if it wasn't in the patient's best interest? There are many many doctors who are not caving in to patient demanded c-sections. Just because some are doesn't mean they are the correct ones. If a woman wants to search high and low for someone to cut them open without medical need, let them, but a doctor has EVERY right and actually an ethical obligation, to not perform uneccessary surgeries and procedures on a healthy patient. Doctors are also businesspersons, the consumer is the patient, so like any business, some doctors will do whatever generates business and income. Some try too hard to please the patient and while admirable, isn't necessarily good medical care. I personally don't care if a woman wants to injure her insides and uterus on purpose, but I wouldn't ask for the added risks as my husband and children need me more than I need to get my way.
did you have your baby? were you pleasantly surprised if you ended up going v____al? I was, I was just like you, and in the end the labor and delivery were entirely bearable. I went home the next day and was just fine. Hope you are too. don't worry, v____al deliveries are not the horrible experienes in most cases and I found something about me I didn't know before, that I am strong and my body is miraculous the things it can do!
i was scared and wanted a c 2. my doctor said no and i had my big baby in 6 hours with no pain meds because i went so fast and easy. i am not big either, but my doctor and the nurses were really cool. i love my baby boy and laugh now because i tried to force my doctor to cut me open. he just said "told you so" and smiled.
*different Kendra* - there was a story about elective cesarians on the world news last night (abc) and they said the new stats are 1 in 3 births is by cesarean.
lol @ cesarian - cesarean, sorry.
Oh, and it was a pretty balanced as far as who chose it. More patients want them, and more dr.'s want to perform them.
Perhaps those women who ask for them and the doctors who are so willing to perform them on healthy women should look at the site ent_tled "left sided abdominal pain" or "forced c-sections" or "I didn't have great c experiences at all". Who cares if some people think they are avoiding pain or humiliation by avoiding v____al birth, they are not for one and for two studies are starting to show all this cutting up of women's abs and uteri are starting to backfire. Perhaps it IS partly a woman's choice, but a doctor who is quick to comply to a patient's request for an unecessary invasive surgery should be given a second look, just like a doctor who doesn't like to perform c's even when they are obviously necessary.
WEll I was not far wrong with the stats,I said 1 in 5 another 1 in 3.The point is,we can now agree the operation is pretty commen practice.Like I expect,all of you,I have known women like me who have had cesareans,they recover,move on with their life.I have said before,there are those awaiting a major life saving operation,who would give anything to be having a cesarean.If this operation was so medically "dodgy"then it would not be being preformed so frequently,and for the many reasons why it is done,not just including a womens choice..As I said birth is a traumatic,anxious time,yet exciting,I believe that if a women really wants a section,like I did,then they should be supported.If a women having a c-section was really that bad you would hear about it.You get bad v____al births,you get bad c-sections.There is a risk in both,luckily we have skilled doctors and nurses,luckily we have pain management.
| TC - January 18 |
Marcie, the frequency of something does not justify the neccessity. Not trying to nit pick, but that claim does not hold any weight. Liposuction, nose and b___b jobs are a common practice, but are they all neccessary. I believe that women should be supported as well, but they also need to be educated. A women saying that they want a c-section "just because" needs and should be questioned. I cannont see any doctor just saying, "OK" without asking any questions. That would be silly and negligent on the doctors part.
Thank you, TC, it is REALLY getting annoying to hear OVER AND OVER that c-sections are done all the time and if they were unsafe or risky the (above suspicion) doctors "would never do them"...okay, has anyone seen a woman with FFFFF b___b implants, some doctor did those....does it make it right? Absolutely not, it has made the woman a freak. While I am NOT equating c-sections with "common" surgeries, because they are NOT, you get the picture that other women on here ARE. I don't mean to sound vicious, but Marcie, you really sound under-educated when you say they are done so commonly and yadda yadda yadda, really, it makes you sound like a typical "follower" who puts too much faith in things. Everyone knows there is so much more to c-sections than that the doctors know what they are doing and said if there is bleeding it can be controlled, NOT ALWAYS, sometimes control means HYSTERECTOMY...c'mon, stop pretending, c-sections should not be chosen "just because" and deep down you know it, or you should.
I'm wondering if drs do refuse elective csections due to insurance rules??? I don't know, but in my state as of Dec 2004, drs are no longer covered to do VBACs if they are covered by the state's largest malpractice insurance group. In other words malpractice insurance won't cover them. So women don't have a choice most of the time on a VBAC. I am wondering if the same is true for elective c sections for some insurances or even for a person's personal insurance if a dr has to show just cause to perform a surgery and have it paid for. Someone may have already asked this question but there are so many post and so little time..haha
Isn't it interesting that as soon as somebody threatens to sue if a v____al birth does wrong, suddenly there is a "good reason" to schedule a csection? It amazes me that the lawsuit threat trumps everything anymore, but it does! What a world!