I had my child in 1997 and had to have an emergency C-section, I was cut belly button down and the doctor told me that I had to have a C-section now on. I had another child in 2000, same delivery, no pain or problems. But I had my last child in 2002 and the Doctor cut me hip-2-hip which I was told not to. Now I have severe pain still in my scare area when anything touches it. What should I do? The OBGYN can not find anything wrong. Please help me, anyone.
Hey .
i had a planned c-section just over 3 months ago from a specialized doctor at a childrens hospital and i was cut hip to hip . i still cant handle wearing jeans or anything tight i live in sweats or leggings daily. my left side is still very numb and gets extremly irritated most of the time i've gone to the doctor and the insist everythings normal it just takes time but i honestly dont think my body or scar will ever heal to normal again .
Was all your c-sectoins painful after ? and why did they cut you two different ways?