Scar Tissue After C Section Preventing Pregnancy
1 Replies
I had a C-Section in June 2005, and now have been trying to get pregnant since Fall 2006. My periods have been normal and very regular for the past year after coming off birth control a year and a half ago. That is, until this month I was 5 days late... I also had a serious infection at the incision site right after it was done, that resulted in packing the wound with gause for about 1 month. Would I know if I had scar tissue preventing me from getting pregnant? Would I have pain or unusual symptoms of any kind? Or is it most likely that I can only find out by going in to be seen? I was going to try to wait one more month before going in to be checked out, but I'm beginning to think this is very probable...
| RMC - December 16 |
I have had 3 c sections. My last was in Feb. 2007 and I got pregnant again in Aug 2007, so I don't think that the scar tissue is a factor. However, I'm sure everyone is different so you may want to check with your doctor.