Has anyone had a va___al birth after having 3 cesarean sections? I would really like to try and have a va___al birth but I've had 3 cesarean sections and I'm having trouble finding a doctor that will let me even try. I've read mixed things about this. Any input would be much appreciated and helpful.
I am in the same boat as you. I've had 3 c-sections and as this will be our last child, I am willing to take the risk to my uterus (hey, I'll be done with it by then) I've spent hours looking into it and it seems the risks are SLIGHTLY greater with a VBAC, but minimally. CSection is major surgery... I'm having an additional problem being seen before 10-12 weeks in Portland, OR -- I think the health care here is in serious trouble, so I will definately not try a VBAC with any doc here -- so am considering going back to Phoenix to have this baby with my old doctor, who will let me try a VBAC. No real concrete info for you, though
Same with me, I've had 3 cs and I would like to try a vbac. I did some research and I know that with a repeat c-section there are many serious effects also. I've been unable to find a dotor willing to let me labor and I've asked many. It is possible. It has happened. Doctors are just paranoid and are worried about being sued, and they like things according to their convenience.Good Luck to you though.
| JL - July 22 |
If you attempt this, make sure you do not have pitocin given to you. The chances of uterine rupture go up significantly if pitocin is administered. I personally do not think a VBAC after 3 c-sections is worth the risk. Lynn, it is merely that you could lose your uterus (which it sounds like you don't mind if this is your last baby), but most babies do not survive a uterine rupture because the docs cannot get them out fast enough. Those that do survive often end up with cerebral palsy. Yes, uterine rupture is rare, but the consequences are devastating.
i had 3 c-sections and am tring to get information on vbac...nothing is impossible ...get the information u need prepare you mind heart and body and go for it being sure...and have a very suportive persen with u who will push and encourage u all the way through, a person who is not afread to say YOU CAN DO IT...GOD WILLING U WILL DO IT..best of luck
Sorry, I don't know. I have had 3 c-sections and am ttcing my 4th under the a__sumption of having a 4th c-section. I'd love to hear input as well, good luck!