Why would someone want to have a cesarean isn't it very painful?
Why is it difficult to do things after a cesarean?
For me it was not a choice. I was not able to deliver my daughter v____ally. My second one on the way will be delivered by c-section also. Yes its very painful, but like any injury or surgery. In all time it will heal. Its not really difficult to do things after, its just hard to get out of bed, because of the inision. That hurts like a mother ****!!! But after about 2 weeks I was fine. That is my answer, but other ladies might differ. Everyones experience is different.
I too had a c-section. Because I went through 29 hours of labor and an hour of pushing I ended up losing a lot of blood. Therefore two days after she was born I had to have a blood transfusion. However, I still thought the recovery was easy. Granted this was my first child so I have no frame of reference but I was ready to workout at 2 weeks post partum and had a hard time not doing anything until then. Yes it is sore a little painful but that didn't last long for me. I know women with v____al deliveries who have been uncomfortable longer than I was.