my baby is lying in the breech position, im 37weeeks pregnant. can i say no to have the baby turned and go ahead with the c-section?
Probably. My best friend had the ecv- it didn't work and was painful and she said if she had it to do over again, she'd just go right for the c-section for whatever that's worth to you. My 2nd and 3rd were breech (frank breech and transverse), but they were scheduled c-sections because my first was, so I didn't have to worry about trying a version. Good luck:)
I am a__suming that ecv is an external version? (Not sure about the "C" in the initials... sorry!) I had an external version at 40 weeks and it was ridiculously painful. Obviously at 40 weeks, that was a bit late to try, the version was unsuccessful, and I had a c-section. But my friend had a successful version at 37 weeks and went on to deliver v____ally. She said the version hurt like hell too, but it was worth it. I knew another girl who was part of a study on external version and how they were more successful with an epidural. I can totally believe that would be true. I bet that I would have been a lot more relaxed during the procedure if I couldn't feel the pain. I mean, I was literally hyperventilating and bawling my eyes out. It's a weird pain because it feels like you are being ripped in half when the docs are pushing on your abdomen, but as soon as they let go the pain immediately goes away and then you feel like an idiot for crying so hard. Then they start pushing again, and you start bawling and hyperventilating again. And then they stop. And then they do it again. This keeps going on until they either turn the baby or decide that the baby is too big to move. It's a weird thing. Maybe you can request an epidural?
Nerdy Girl, Wasn't your Lo pretty big? I wonder if that has something to do with the success of the ecv. My friend's baby was 10 lbs. 6 oz. He was so cramped in there that he was born with his legs up near his shoulders and they had to be ma__saged down over the course of a few days...
Yes, my first baby was 10 lbs. But 10 lb or 7 lbs, 40 weeks is kinda late to try to rotate.