Hi... just wondering if someone has had experience an elective c-section at 37 weeks of pregnancy?. I had a talk with my doc. and I told him that i want to have my baby at 37.3 weeks since 37 is considered full term, now i am 35 weeks. He said he will let me know on my next appointment. I just wanted to know if someone experienced an elective c- sec. and had a baby w/ out complications. I heard that some babies born via c-sec. before 38 weeks, have respiratory complications. Thank you for your support!!....
My understanding of the respiratory issues is simply because when a baby comes out of the birth ca___l the chest and everything is compressed which helps to get the fluid out of the babies lungs. There are also hormones that the baby gets from the mother as it comes thru the birth ca___l. C-sections are so common anymore that I think the risks for respiratory issues have decreased.
Honestly unless there is a medical reason or the risk of delivery outweighs the risk of a c-section i would choose a v____al birth. My baby was breech and i had to have a c-section. Granted her birth was very smooth and there were no complications, with me or her,( oh and she came at 37 weeks) but recovery is a b___h and i even had a good one. I was walking around a day and a half later but i paid for it. I couldn't get back in bed and i had to wait for the nurses to bring me more pain pills and for them to take effect whice was about a half an hour total. The next few weeks i couldn't walk without being hunched over. It's been a year and i'm still a little tender at the incision site. I mean don't get me wrong they are not the worst things in the world and i don't think they are as bad as a lot of people make them out to be but it is still major surgery and honestly i would have rather gone through the labor and been back to my old self sooner than a c-section and being so dependent on others to help me. It's just my opinion though.
See for me having a C-section was pretty smooth. As soon as they took the cathader out I got up and took a shower. Granted I was sittting on a stool in the shower. Fortunately, I healed very well, my insision has healed (this was July 11th) and I am not bleeding anymore. I still suffer from Edema which for me is like a burning sensation above my cut. I have been up and doing alot more than I probably should of...but I am pain free except for the edema. I was even having s_x within a week of having my c-section...(nothing to strenuous of course).... people heal differently and maybe I have a higher level of pain tolerance than some.
Thank you guys for your support. This is not my first c-sec. is my 3rd. The 1st, i went on labor and my baby was on stress so i was called for an emergency c-sec. and 4yrs past and my 2nd c-sec i wanted to have what they call a VBAC and was 42 weeks and didn't dilated so ended up with c-sec. now a year after my second cesarean i have to have another one, no choice. Thank you so much!!
Oh, ok. The way you said it seemed like you just wanted one just so your baby could be born at 37 weeks, now it makes a little more sense. Well like i said my baby came at 37 weeks but my water broke otherewise she was scheduled to be born a few days before my due date. I think every doctor is different about those kind of things,
hi. my last baby was born by elective c-section at 37 +2 weeks, but i think that he was actualy earlier, because i had irregular periods when i conceived him so maybe he was 36 weeks, but he was small, but otherwise fine, he weighed a 7 lbs and 14 ounces, and his length was 46 cm. he was a very quiet baby ( for the first day) but the following days he would scream alot, but other wise he was fine. if i were you i would wait until 38 weeks, just to be sure, because dates can be off sometimes. best of luck
i also have to add that i had 2 emergency c-sections before him to, but my first was the worst. my last was the best i think, because i didn't go through labour first! anyway, it is up to you, but have to say that most doctors are not to keen on doing it at 37 weeks, because sometimes dates can be of by a few days. my baby's ages are almost 5, 3 and 21 months, and i am having another in april! best of luck to you
I had an elective c-section at 38 weeks. He was small (5lbs10oz) but otherwise perfect. Why doyou want him born at 37 weeks? Thats so borderline early! Why not wait an extra week?
i wait until at least 39 with mine..there is no reason in rushing it a week or 2 if you dont have too....a week or 2 can mean alot for their lungs..