Healing After C Section Caring For Baby
6 Replies
How long is it until you can move around and does it hurt. Can you lift the baby after a c-section and care for it. I have a scheduled c-section due to breech and I am shook. Is it really painfull?
The c-section itself doesn't hurt. Afterwards, you'll be given pain medicine. The two most painful things to me were getting out of bed (once I was up I was fine) and also, after the operation you have a lot of gas and it's really painful. But by the time you leave the hospital after the operation (usually the stay is four days) you will be up to taking care of your baby. You'll be pretty tired and you'll be sore for a couple of weeks. The first few days you're home from the hospital you might see if your husband could take off from work to help you out, or see about getting a relative to help you, so that if you have to take your pain meds someone is there to help with the baby. Make sure you have a surface to change diapers on that you don't have to bend over too much to reach, and a good stiff pillow to put under your arm when you're holding the baby. You'll be fine. In case you're wondering, they make the incision at the top of your pubic hair, where your body creases naturally, so the scar is nearly invisible soon after the operation.
I had a 'c' almost 10 months ago. It will be different for everyone, because I will tell you mine hurt! I already had an epidural w/ morphine started when they prepped me. I could honestly still feel the pain as they were working. I was on pain meds every 4-6 hours for about 4 weeks. I couldn't even climb into bed on my own, or kneel down to sponge bathe my baby until 6 weeks. Maybe there was something strange or wrong about my 'c'- it did take the dr's 2-1/2 hours to do. But just so you understand that yours could go either way. Hard or easy.
I've had 2 c-sections and did great with both. I was in surger for about 30 minutes and then recovery for about 1 hour. It does hurt the first time you get out of bed. But, movement is the key. The more you move around, the sooner you will feel better. You should have no problem taking care of your baby. Good luck!
I had a c-section 4 weeks ago. The first week was painful and frustrating because I really couldnt do anything on my own. After the first week things have gotten a lot easier. I feel great now, but set my limits because I know Im still healing. It is true that the more you move the faster you will recover. Just dont over do it. Follow doctors orders.
i recently had a c section in febuary the pains does not hit you then but after that one night it kicks in . But you can care for the baby ut not too much wait can give you a set back. the more you move you will get alll the soreness out
I had a c-section 1yaer ago. I recover after very fast and had no pain after about couple of weeks. I wash incision with warm water to help release the pain, but dry it very well after each time. You can care for baby right a way and try to move as much as you can. You can't lift any heavy,accept your baby weght.