Had a c section with 2nd baby 5 weeks ago. Stopped bleeding after 2 weeks. Started bleeding again. Really heavy bleed. Lots of clots and lots of pain. Been going on 4 days now. Had staples, all healed up now. Anyone else had this problem?
| Kay - October 1 |
I had staples and its all healed but i am still haveing clots. Bleeding has near enough stopped but i am still cloting should i be worried ?
I stopped bleeding 3 weeks after my c-section, then started again at 5 weeks. It was really heavy, with large clots, and I was really worried about it, but my doctor said it was a period. The staples don't have too much to do with it, because you have st_tches on the inside, and the staples are just to close the skin.
Whether with a C or a Vaginal you will bleed for about 30 days this is normal if you start getting light headed or dizzy contact your DR it maybe something else but all women have a Period right after the baby is born now if you b___stfeed most womon do not have a period for 6 months after the one when the baby is born but remember you can still get pregnant so if you are not wanting another baby right away be very careful gl2u and your baby