Maximum Number Of Cesarean Sections
116 Replies
| SM - May 6 |
I'll be having my 4th C-section also in December if I decide to keep this baby. I am constantly back and forth with this decision. But my doctor said I should be fine with the 4th C-section.
I have had 2 previous c-sections and I am pregnant with my 3rd. My first was an emergency due to lack to progress during labor and fetal distress. My 2nd was a scheduled and I didn't think twice. Now that I have became unexpectedly pregnant for a 3rd time, I have been having severe anxiety and worries about having another c-section. I am worried about the risks involved. I am terrified of something bad happening to me. The doctor that preformed my 2nd said that there was a good amount of scar tissue and that is why it took over an hour. However, She did give me the go ahead for this one. She thinks I will be just fine. Should I be confident with her answer? Has anyone else experienced this? Is this all because it was unexpected? Should I be worried? Let me know.
I've had 5 so far. I take extra folic acid at the beginning and end of each pregnancy and the first six weeks after. A Dr told me Folic Acid helps reduce scar tisue build up. My Dr says I look like a mirracle after 5.
I can understand your anxiety. This will be my 5th c-section. #1 in 1993, #2 1994, #3 1998 and #4 2000. My 4th one I did have a bit of scar tissue, and with this one got the go ahead. My axiety is more of the feeling of tempting fate. I've already had 4 with no majoy complications will I be lucky this time to. That, I already know what a c-section entails, the good and the uncomfortable. What I try to do, is look up current info, and talk to my doctor about my concerns.
I'm having my 5th C-section in August and my Drs are impressed with everything so far. Apart from scar tissue rips everything is fine. Apparently there is a risk of Rupturing the Uterus but that only happens close to 40 weeks, so i'm booked in to deliver 3 weeks before my EDD
Hi just wanted to say to all you who post Thanks I just had my second c-section and was going to call it quits but it turned out to be another girl and I would really like a boy (I no there is no guarentee the next will be a boy) but I figured I would give myself a year to think about having another one. My first and second are 23 months apart. Hubby is ready for a third I guess he thinks it easy but it's alot to go through. Both babies was breech #1 feet first #2 b___t first. And high blood pressure and 3 months of bedrest with #1 and gestational diabetes with #2. So I really don't no if I really want to do this again who knows what #3 will bring on my health, and if I can handle another diet. God bless ya'll who have more than 3 exspecially those who had 5 I don't no how you do it. Thanks for listening I guess I just needed a place to vent hope you don't mind.
Mara thanks for responding. I am having the same feeling. The thoughts of Should I have quit while I was ahead? Tempting Fate is my fear - you hit it right on the head. I can't wait for my 1st appt with my OB next week. Hopefully then I will feel better. Is there any questions you think are imperative to ask?
I have had 4 c-sections. First 2 were in 1997 and 1998. My boys are 11 months apart. No complcations. Then a daughter in 2000 and another in 2003. All c-sections. No complications except a little trouble closing with the 4th. I would love to have another two, but am going to count my blessing with 4 healthy children and call it quits. Besides, even though surgery went fine, recovery took alot out of me and with little ones running around it was really hard on my husband becuase he had to take care of all of us. The ability to bounce back with multiple c-sections really took its toll on me and the pouch the scar tissue has left is pretty bad. So hubby agreed, no more babies, but a tummy tuck to repair the damage left behind. Sounds good to me.
I just had a section on May 8th. Dr opened me up and saw LOTS of scar tissue from my 01 section and had difficulty finding my tubes. She also couldnt pull my uterus out..had to sew it up inside me. My bladder also tore from being moved out of the way from all the scar tissue. My Dr was amazed at how much scar tissue i had, she didnt expect it and it caused alot of complications. I am currently home with a catheter cuz of my bladder. (it sucks!) She told me that if I ever need any major surgery in that area of me, i MUST tell the Dr the problems I had so they are prepared, ie hysterectomy (sp?) etc. She also advised no more kids..but that problem is fixed because I had my tubes tied this last pregnancy, which I had twin girls. I hope that you all have better luck than me, I am truly glad I am done having kids! :)
i am on my 3rd pregnancy. my first 2 children where c-section and soon i will be having another one, i am very worried about the risks involved in having another c-section can anyone give me any advise?
I am with you Jessica, I just became unexpectedly pregnant with my 3rd child and am terrified of having another c-section. I had both my children via c-section. First one was due to failure to progress and the second was a repeat and I didn't think twice about it.
I have major anxiety about having a 3rd. During my last surgery, My OB told me that I had a good amount of scar tissue. That is why it was taking so long. I never thought of the risks before, But ever since hearing that, I am freaked out. How long did your c-sections take?
Hi Jessica and Tara you didn't say how far along you are but I would like some input on your recovery time after #3 I just had #2 a little over three weeks ago. Hubby would like at least one more baby we have two girls and I wouldn't mind trying for a boy but I am really not sure I want to do this all over again. My first will be 2 in about a week so I would definetly wait until baby #2 in 1 before attempting pregnancy again. I have had four pregnancy so far lost my first two molar preg. and a reg. miscarrage. Had some complications with #1 high blood pressure and #2 gestational diabetes so that is kinda on my mind also. I told hubby to give me a year to 18 months to think about it and I will make up my mind. Not to crazy about another c-section either my first two were breech besides the complications. Also my first went well and the second not to great the epindural didn't take all the way and I had what they call hot spots and felt some pain, that was scary. But everything turned out ok, also had alot of scare tissue with #2. I have my checkup on Friday and will talk to the doc about it but I feel comfortable talking to people who went through three already, but there is not much info out there about this topic and I can't find many people to talk to who went through this already. Hope all goes well for you good luck!!
Tania, I am on my 3rd pregnancy. I will be having my 3rd (required) c-section in December. My first c-section was a relief compared to the 4 days in hard labor I had. My 2nd was a scheduled section and I didn't think twice. Now, I am pregnant with # 3.
I have my first appt with my OB tomorrow ( I am 10 1/2wks). I did however talk to her over the phone and she said that scar tissue is something that only she needs to worry about. That it just means she needs more time. She also said, I will be just fine.
For some reason, I am just so terrified. My husband and I had pretty much decided we would have a 3rd. It just came sooner than we thought. But, Since it was so unexpected, I think that is why I am having these feelings. How long did your c-sections take to preform?
I have had 2 c sections and I know that I would like to have more after this one, I believe its how your body reacts and how you heal to tell if your body can handle it, I know right now im having problems in my hips because my body cant hold it up so the 4th will have to wate till much later. Also I noticed I bounced back faster after my second csection, Im hoping this is true with this one
| TB - June 2 |
I've had two c-sections and I plan on getting pregnant with my 3rd. My doctor says that the possiblity of having a VBAC is extremely slim. The risk of uterine rupture is higher because of the previous c-sections. I would like to have VBAC...just to experience giving birth that way but if I have another cesarean, then I am fine with that. My doctor did find quite a bit of scar tissue when I had the second section but he cut a lot of it away.
My aunt had eight c-sections. i don't think there really is a set number as long as you can handle it!