After having a c-section, when is the soonest you can have s_x with it being safe?
My doctor told me to wait at least 8 weeks. I think I had s_x at 7 weeks with slight discomfort. It's really up to the healing process and getting through all the aftermath with the lochia (bleeding). If it were up to me... I guess I would have opted to never have s_x again!!!
5 weeks? i guess it really up to your body and if you feel comfortable
i have 1 month since i had a c-section and i feel ok. my question is when can is the soonest i can have s_x, my concern is the surgery.
| KM - January 9 |
I had s_x 2 wks after and my doctor said this was ok....But I think most recomend six if you want to be extra careful
Day 5 in the hospital, my doctor told me I can have s_x whenever I feel ready, meaning I could go home that day and have s_x if I was so inclined. I can't say I was, but the option was there! :)
My baby girl was born by C-section on Jan. 15th, and I was wondering about this. Dr. told me 4-6 weeks, but I'm not seeing why. I feel up to it now.
We had s_x 2 weeks after the c-section. I felt ready and didn't have a lot of pain. My incision healed great. The next day after intercourse, I had some more bleeding. I don't hurt in the slightest, but I'm going to wait a couple weeks more and see how it goes.
I recently had a C-Section and about two weeks later I had s_x with my husband and I felt that it was the right time for me and I am sure that it was perfectly safe. I dont think you should always listent to your doctor sometimes you need to listen to what your body tell you.
I had my son on jan 25th and me and my bf had s_x 3 weeks afterwards. It felt like i was a virgin all over again so just take it slow... no crazy off the wall posistions, and i think u'll be fine.. im still breathing
| jen - February 28 |
6 weeks after i had my daughter we tried to have s_x two weeks ago but i was too sore.It really depends how your body takes it as far as i know if u have s_x when u r bleeding it increase more chances of having a v____al infection,plus one could hurt the wound.Its better to be safe then sorry....
It all depends how you feel. I waited 3 weeks and felt up to it. It hurt a little and didn't try again for a week or two. I
When is it safe for you to have s_x after a C- section
I thought I'd be able to within a week or two like when I had my other child birth but it was natural. With a c-section, I waited 8 weeks. I was too sore to have it any time sooner.
I waited about 2-3 weeks. YOu will find alot of differnet postions now due to the incision whiole it heals. Your body will tell you when it can't handle it.
I had s_x 10 days after mine. My hubby was careful not to lay on my belly, and it wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't painful either.