Umbilicord Cord

83 Replies
Yolanda - August 19

I just got news today that my baby only has two veins going running through the cord, and that she should have three. The doctor stated to watch the kidneys of the baby after she is born. How will this effect her?


debbie - June 24

i found out today to and my doctor said every thing was fine


Amy Jackson - June 25

I also had a two vessel cord and my son was born with one kidney. We have had to go through a few tests to make sure everything was fine. So far--at 9 months he is doing great. Good luck!


Sonia - August 19

Why do babies get heat murmur? How do babies get the Umbilcial?


robert - September 13

is it natural for a person to umbilicord on there stomach hole


Sue - December 4

My son had a single umbilical artery also and he is perfect! The chances of any severe defects are rare. The condition is more common than you'd think. Don't worry!


Sue Vitiello - December 5

I had two viens as well... julia is nine months... everything was perfect.. i totally understand how you feel!


jennifer - December 20

what is single embilicord artery?


Renee - February 25

My daughter who is 10 mos old now was a 2 vessel cord pregnacy. We were told there was little risk of major problems. She has a moderate/severe hearing loss in both ears. She had 2 holes in her heart but one is gone and the other is closing. She has an enlarged ventricle in her brain which leaves excess fluid in there and as of yet has not resolved itself. We are scheduled for another MRI to see what is going on. She came down with menningitus when she was 3 mos old and has had numerous infections since. My problem is getting answers to all of my questions. We have researched this condition and have found very few answers. I'm not saying our case is the norm, it is not. Most 2 vessel pregnancies see a child who is healthy and happy, but don't be lulled into a false sense of security. Be prepared to deal with whatever comes your way. Above all, enjoy your baby when he/she arrives and be happy that you have him/her. We believe that you are never given more than you can handle. I have learned a lot about myself this past year and I wouldn't trade my daughter for anything. Not even a "normal" healthy baby.


ginger - March 1

i read i a book american baby i do think that they have cord covers do you know where i can buy one before the birth of my baby? their called cord buddies i think colorful just fits over the baby's umbilicord until it falls off


Reader - March 11

I too have been informed that I have a 2 vessel cord pregnancy. I've been told many different things and have been looking for real answers myself. So far I've heard that 1% of pregnancies have 2 vessel cords, 10% of these have complications with birth defects, 10% have problems with the babies growth. I was told that procedures with these pregnancies change every year, they used to make you see a specialist and then found that most babies were born healthy so there wasn't a need for it. My Dr has me get an ultrasound every month to check the babies growth and to check for birth defects with the heart, the nose and upper lip and so on. Hopefully this answers some questions for you. I myself would like to find out a little more. Like what causes it, is it genetic, if the baby is born fine is there still chance of complications later in life, does it affect their learning skills, motor skills, etc.


Maria Villegas - March 23

I am almost eight months preganant, and I was just told two months ago that I have a two vessel cord, but so far the ultrasound results were fine, and this month I had another ultrasound and the results were that my baby-girl has her bowls with bright color and this may be a risk of down syndrome, there are 3 chances in ten. My doctor said I could have the amniosenthesis test, but I think it's to late to have since I have about less then 8 weeks left. I have no other choice then pray so everything can be fine.


Jay - April 22

We also had this same situation with our second child. We were nervous at first, but all was well. He is now 8 months old an a healty, happy kid. We just kept an eye on his weight during pregnancy. Don't worry...


Mary - April 26

I am 19 weeks and have two vessel cord with my baby. It has to be genetic because my sister had a baby two months ago and had a 2 vessel cord too. Her baby is perfectly healthy. My 1st ultrasound said everything was normal, they saw two kidneys and the heart was forming correctly. They also told me the baby did not have cleft palette. Which I guess is a risk with the two cord. I am still worried, as I guess is normal. I just hope and pray that I am doing everything I can to help this baby grow normally.


carletta - May 7

I pray for ypu and your baby. I was told today that my baby has a two cord vessel also. I'm scared for my baby.I'll continue to pray everythings o.k.


kendall - May 11

Today the doctor called me and said they think they see a cyst on the umbilical cord and want to do a follow up ultra sound at 18weeks. I am only 8weeks and 5days now and have one scheduled at 16 weeks, why would they wait? I do't understand what it could mean.


SARA - May 11

I am 21 weeks along and they told me 3 weeks ago that my baby has a two vessel cord. they have done several ultrasounds. 3 hours worth. they did an echo ultrasound of her heart to make sure things are coming along. her heart chambers are developing normally, but because o fher position they could not see the aorta. I have been so worried! i go back in tomorrow for her heart follow up. they have said everything else looks normal, but that she is just a little small for her age and that they will do follow up ultrasounds every 4-6 weeks until delivery to monitor growth. This is my first preghnancy and I am just yhoping things go ok.



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