Weight Gain In Second Pregnancy
2 Replies
During my first pregnancy, I gained a ton of weight, ate all the wrong food, and did no exercise! This time, I am trying to do things right. I started the pregnancy bigger than I should have been, but since then have been walking for an hour a day four times a week, and trying to eat healthily, but I have gained eighteen pounds already, and I am 23 weeks pregnant. I am worried because I feel SOO fat, even though I am working so hard to not get big. I know the health of the baby is the most important thing, but is there anything I can do to slow down my weight increase?
Keep up the good work, exercising and eating right will make you feel good, be good for your baby and will help for delivery! You may feel unattractive but exercising now will help you lose those unwanted pounds after the baby is born. I gained 60 lbs with my first and I am currently pregnant again and trying to watch my weight too, but the fact of the matter is you are pregnant and enjoy all of the experience because the outcome is far more greater than any weight you'll put on
During my first pregancy I gained 65 pounds. This second pregnancy I haven't gained any weight and I am 18 weeks. I wish I had gained weight like you have because I am really starting to worry that something is wrong. It's hard to feel pretty and not so fat during pregancy but at least you have an excuse to let yourself go a little bit. I say keep doing what you are doing and have a strong healthy baby.