6 Weeks Pregnant What Pains Are Normal
7 Replies
im getting slight pains in my left side really low down is this or any other pains at this stage normal
Me too I'm five and a half weeks and equally paranoid!! I hope someone answers your question!
I had cramping all up until 2 1/2 months, I kept on thinking that I was going to start my period...I was convinced that I wasn't pregnant! As long as the pains aren't horrible, sharp, and lasting for long periods of time and there is no sign of bright red blood or tissue, you should be fine. It's just your body changing, your uterus is expanding and there are all sorts of ligaments and muscles being stretched out down there that never have before. So I say that you are probably fine. I also get pains in my back and some times if I move a certain way I'll 'pull' a muscle that feels kinda funny down there...totally normal! Since we can't use heating pads I just always got my hands warm and placed them on my uterus...sounds kinda silly but seemed to help! good luck!
Same here,..but only ive been having some really weird other pains also it makes me very nervous to feel this when im only 6weeks pregnant
I'm 7 weeks pregnant and I had those cramps starting at like 4 weeks, my doctor said it's normal. livea explained it well,but if you feel like it's not normal I would call a doctor, good luck
| Jen - February 1 |
I'm 5 weeks pregnant and for some reason I get the cramps only at night. It's weird, every night around 2 am or so I start to get cramps and then they go away once I'm awake and up for the day. Doesn't make sense? The doctor said that it may be a form of "morning sickness" just not in the morning. She said as long as I'm not bleeding then everything is fine.
I just turned 6 wks today and had an ectopic preg 2 yrs ago so every little pain I get im afraid. I see no blood and I went to the emergency room yesterday to confirm I was ok b/c of the abdominal pains. I dont know if you believe in God I do I just prayed for a healthy pregnancy and will continue to hope for the best .. I hope that helps
| Jen - February 2 |
CatherineJ, I appreciate your response and admire your faith. I definitely believe in God and I know he listens to our prayers. I know how scared you must feel about the abdominal pains and you did the right thing by going to the ER. Don't be stressed, just alert. My prayers will be with you too.