Anyone With Sore Tailbone
6 Replies
I am now in my 38th week of pregnancy and can barely even sit because my tailbone is so sore. It feels like it's broken, but my doctor has assured me that it isn't, but said that if I tried having the baby va___ally it would surely break. I've never heard of anything like this before and was just wondering if anyone else out there had experienced this?
my dh broke my mil tailbone when she was pregnant with him he was breech though, and a big baby. 10 lbs i believe.
Did it break during the pregnancy or the delivery? The doc says my baby is very big, too.
oh my. I have never heard that, it sounds extremely painful! My tailbone hurts all the time, but I've never been told that!
Try a helped me a lot and I had pain early on. So bad I could hardly walk or lift my left leg. Now I'm doing ok and only have problems if I wear bad shoes and walk a lot.
With my last baby, she broke my coxic bone (the tailbone I guess you would also call it) while giving birth to her (in a car sitting up didn't help either...). During the last couple of months with her, I could not stand for more than about 1 mintues without desparetly aving to sit down. The pressure was so great, throbbing and painful, that I just couldn't take it. I would often lean down to take the weight off of my back. I was strapped up for about a month after her birth, 45 minutes hard and furious, to be able to stand up straight. Every month with my period I then suffered similar pain, the deep throbbing, the only way to relieve it to sit down and cut the nerves off. Now being 21 weeks with this baby, I have already felt the effects again and wonder how bad it will get. The only way to stop the pain is to sit - nothing else worked for me. I went out shopping today, and lasted only a couple of hours because I was standing and walking the whole time. I can sit to stop it, but it starts back up in a few minutes. Hopefully your baby will be in a good position for the labour and it won't cause you too many problems. If the tailbon does go, be preared for more pain afterwards. Horrible side effect to something so glorious!
I broke my tailbone when I delivered my first.The pain was horrible for almost the first year! I have had two more babies since him. I did not have the tailbone pain after the deliveries of my others. If I sit for more than an hour strait since I having the injury my tailbone will hurt! So no more injury it is just sore if I sit for to long.