Does This Sound Like A Ovarian Cyst Symptom
3 Replies
I am ttc. I have been having slight abdominal pain in the left side. It is not constant, comes and goes. I am also feeling nauseous esp in the mornings. I am not sure if these are symptoms of bladder infection or ovarian cyst or pregancy. Can someone please help me here. Will there be some abdominal pain(on left) after conceving?
Hi there, altho i havent had ovarian cysts for about 10 years, i remember them being like the most unbearable cramping in my bad that i was doubled over and could hardly walk.... I am also 9 wks pregnant at the moment and have had mild cramping/twinges in my abdomen since wk 5. Nausea too is a good indication of pgncy...Are you urinating more frequently? Thats also a good sign. Have you taken a pgcy test yet? If it is more than slight discomfort tho and its really painful, you should see your GP to check it out in case its more serious or something else. The signs look hopeful for you tho :) Good luck!
Hi Chris, Thanks for your response. I have a very slight pain. It is totally bearable, not too much. I am able to do my daily routine whithout any problem. I am feeling nauseaous when I wake up. I do have some foot pain. (guess this might be due to bad footwear). I also get tired now and then. I would be really happy if I get BFP. But have to wait for 10 more days. Will update you. Thanks!!
Good luck. I had a bladder infection and 2 ovarian cysts in my teen years. Both sent me to the hospital in extreme pain. But during pregnancy I get slight pains in the left or right side constantly. 10 days before your period could be the baby implanting.. :)