i'm 22 weeks and i woke up this mornign and realized it hurts when i breath in! It almost feels like there is something stuck in my throat or lungs or essophagus! (sp?) I know its not heart burn, cause i still get heart burn on top of it! and its driving me crazy!!! hehe anyone have any ideas whats causeing this? or anyone else experiencing the same?
i have intense hurting 0n my left lung when i breath in deeply... im 23 weeks as 0f t0m0rr0w... im sure its just an0ther pregnancy sympt0m
| jm - July 19 |
I had the same problem its the baby pressing up against your lungs as she grows.shell start to drop about 8-9- months but you'll still have a little trouble breating you can actually take tums or rolaids for the heartburn because I have it really bad and thats what my doctor told me to do..Im due on 7/25/06..GOOD LUCK W YOUR BABY