Is It True -pg111930588318
2 Replies
Is it true that a sharp pain on your side (mine is on my left) can be the baby kicking a nerve? I've seen this a couple places...I thought it was round ligaments?
It can be the many weeks/trimesters are you? This is my first pregnancy, I'm due in August, I'm in my 3rd. trimester, I'm 33 weeks. I've had a lot of sharp pains in both sides and back. Let me know how far along you are.
I am 35 weeks and have been experiencing pains in my sides mostly the right and the worst pain I have ever felt and I have given birth once and had kidney stones and this pain is 10x worse I cant move when it happens and the pain want stop for hours. I told the doctor and there was a name for it butI i cant remember it anyways he said the baby was pushing so hard on my bladder and it was forcing urine back up into my kidneys. I swear the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.