Pregnant With A Broken Back
3 Replies
Has anyone given birth with a broken back. i can walk and everything I just would like to know what to expect and know if you have had like 5 ultrasounds
oh man that doesn't sound like, fun I can't help you I haven't even given birth once yet (not for 7 weeks) so I can't advise you on how it'll feel, but you should definatly talk to your dr. and ask about special positions that might be more comfortable for your situtaion and maybe hire a doula who can help you, maybe you can even find one who has helped a woman with a brocken back before, and if you can't do that maybe you can find one who is willing to at least talk to you about it
I am sort of in the same boat. I had major back surgery in 2001 and will start ttc in a couple of months. I am so scared that I will have problems when delivering. I really do not want a c-section. My surgery was in my lower back and they removed a disk. I have talked to my ob and she said that she advised me tolose some weight to ensure that I was not putting too much stress on my back. I am so scared. I feel so good that I have someone that I can really relate to. Do you currently have a broken back or did you do this in the past? How long have you been ttc?
Ouch, I don't know anything about this topic, but just wanted to say that I hope everything goes well for you. That sounds pretty sucky.