Teen In Need Of Advice Please Help
5 Replies
I think I may be pregnant but when I took the pregnancy test it came back neg. but the lady told me to wait a couple more then come back and take another one. But I have noticed that I have to go to the bathroom alot, their is a change in the odor of my urine, when I pee everything is ok until the last of it comes out. Its a very unpleasent feeling. I also feel like I have morning sickness for almost a week now. Can some one please give this young teen some advice? Do you think all this has anything to do with me being pregnant?
Jakhia, When was your last period? Are your period cycles regular (like every 28 days)? Have you missed this period? How many days? If you are 7 days past your missed period and still test negative, you may not have ovulated that month and skipped a month of period OR you could be pregnant and the HCG count is not high evnough yet. re-test after 7 days of MISSED period. If it's still negative and you think you are pregnant, ask your OB/GYN for a blood test. That will tell you for sure whether or not you are pregnant.
I think you might have a urinary tract infection. Is the unpleasant feeling you described actual pain? You should tell your doctor about the pain and the negative pregnancy test, and they'll probably test your urine for infection.
I agree wit Jbear, check with your doctor for a UTI and keep us posted
Hey. I am also a teen and I am now pregnant. However, a few months ago both my boyfriend and I thought I was pregnant. I even had b___st tenderness, and people were asking me if I was. Turned out I wasnt, but it really felt like I was. So, trust your instincts. Just don't get too stressed out until you find out it is positive, cuz otherwise, believe me, its not worth worrying about it until then.
The end of the pee thinks makes me think that you have a urinary tract infection. If You are pregnant though, congratulations!! Don't label yourself as a teen-pregnancy, every pregnancy is a beautiful thing.