This Is UNBAREABLE Please Help If You Can
9 Replies
I've been Nausious(spell correctly??) for the past 3 days!!! It has been constant and won't go away!!! I couldn't work propperly or anything. I haven't thrown up yet but, I can certainly feel it comeing......I hate throwing up, it scares me so much.I can't sleep at night, its soooooooo bad!!! Do you think there is anything I can do to make it ease down a bit??? Is this all normall??? I'm scared out of my mind!!! How long does this last??I can barely stand it anymore.Not to mention I have wicked bad constipation (sorry TMI). I think I have to go to the bathroom, but only gas comes out.What causes the morning sickness and constipation?? Is the baby just growing??? Thanks for the help in advance ladies:):)Oh, I'm 8W 1D .
ohhhhh queenie, i feel for you. I am 28 weeks and still being sick and nausea. Its horrible although I was dreadful til around 18 weeks then it faded for a bit. It has started again though in recent weeks. Docs think I may have early signs of diabetes. however, to help with the sickness its best to eat small snacks often rather than large meals. Dry crackers or biscuits are good. Keep some beside your bed to eat before you get up. I used to find peppermint or ginger tea helped slightly. Or you eat chrystalised ginger. I tried many things but some things work for me might not work for others. It is one of the horrible side effects of being pregnant Im afraid. This is my third pregnancy and I have had it with all three. Most women find it goes away after the first 12-16 weeks. I used to find the nausea was worse than actually being sick. Its caused by HCG levels in the body rising due to the pregnancy. Apparently its a good sign that all is well with the pregnancy. You will find what works best for you. Drink plenty water with fresh lemon or lime and lots of ice. I found tomato juice good too. Try and eat a light snack with milk before bed, this helps balance the acid. Is it just mornings you suffer. I had it all day and night, through the night too so I know how you feel. Dont be scared - its perfectly normal and hopefully it will get better soon. If you are really worried then see your doctor. they might be able to offer better advice. Good luck
ginger they say helps, and the doc can prescribe an anti-neasue medication
My friend takes Zofran which helps her. I feel your pain.
If it's that bad, talk to your doc. He or she should be able to do something if you just aren't able to function. THe only things that seemed to help me were hot liquids (decaf coffee, etc.), grits or pretzels. One week all I ate for lunch and supper was angel-hair pasta with marinara sauce out of the jar. That's the only thing I could stand! A few nights ago, it was pickles and dry toast. Anyway, for the constipation, have you tried drinking more water? It really does work.
With regard to the constipation, take Colace. Its perfectly safe while pregnant, I bought the one with the stool softener in it. With regard to the morning sickness take a benadryl the night before (ask doc if okay to take which for most is just fine) one side effect from the benadryl is helping to keep morning sickness at bay. If you don't want to do that, keep giner snap cookies and ginger ale by the bed. Before you get out of bed take a sip and eat a cookie, the ginger is a natural substance that helps control a queezy stomach. Congrats on your pregnancy and I sincerely hope you feel better and are able to enjoy your pregnancy. -L
alot of times when i get nautious.. (i didnt notice it till later) its becuse i didnt have much food in my system.. keep something light in ur stomach hopefully you'll feel better :). its a lot of different reason too. weird, but sometims i would get nautious everytime i had too much gas..
you can take childrens gravol, the ones that disolve in your mouth, take it at night and in the morning. i was very sick aswell and only threw up twice in 5 weeks, i was at the point where i would have rather thrown up just to get the sick feeling done. also dont try and eat 3 meals a day. have like 6 small ones. try snacking every 3 hours. it helps.
If you would like to try something more natural for your morning sickness, try taking vitimin B-6 50mg 2x a day. I was so sick that I lost 20lbs the first month. The B-6 took about a week to kick in but it worked, I am only sick first thing in the morning now, and then good the rest of the day. It is also a mood enhancer, an added benifit.