I experienced Vaginal Itchiness about a couple of days along with discharge I mean it was yellow. but now its not yellow but a creamy white dicharge. My LMP was on march 19, 2006 which was abnormal, I took a pregnancy tes last week and came back negative, but this itchyness started 2-3 days ago, could it be n infection or what? It doesnt itch anymore and I did use any meds. Also when you squeeze my nipples (Sorry TMI) this clear fluid comes out and so does a white discharge, what is it? (This started since my LMP (ABnormal). I also have been having slight crampyness for a couple of weeks and AF isnt due for another week. One night when I hand my husband was getting ready to have s_x (Sorry TMI) he asked if I c_mmed which I did, because I was really wet. I have been having a creamy white discharge since my LMP One day it was like a yellowish gooey discharge and stopped. Last night i had this shooting pain my tummy so I dont know whats going on. Help me!