Anyone 5 7 Weeks I Need To Ask U Somethin
2 Replies
Okay. when you change positions layin down and move to your left and our ryte .. does it look like ur stomach moves to that side and bulges out? i unno its hard to explain. it looks like my stomach moves with w/e side i lay on...?Also anyone else hav diarreah/ feel very gassy [ i kno .. nasty.. im sorry. but had to ask]..and do some of your stomachs blow up after you eat or at night and then go bk down in the mornin. do u ever get numbnes in your back??and lastly have your nails grown?? if u hav similar things .please respond.
Yes! During that time I was ga__sy and my stomach was constantly upset. In addition, eating made me b__w up so badly that my clothes fit too tight and then in the morning I would be back to normal....crazy isn't it!?!? Are you an aggie from TAMU?
nope sorry....did u also get like light spots on ur skin?? im actually not even sure if im preggo yet.. but im trying to see what al these wierd thyngs are so yea. thnk u for respondin