for the first time in my entire life i had a nose bleed yesterday. what in the world is going on here?! i wasn't doing anything, didn't even touch my nose and suddenly had blood trickling down my face! i hope that never happens again, any way to prevent it? gross.
Very common in pregnancy. One of those symptoms no one mentions! I've had the same problem. Theres not much you can do unfortunately! Good luck!
your blood volume increases and in your nose there is very tiny capillaries (blood vessels)..as wise as a pin...that combined with dry air, maybe a strong sneeze or even just spontaneously they can rupture causing a nose bleed. Perfectly harmless...
"as wide as a pin"---don't know any wise pins where I'm from
I'm due this month and for the 9 months I've been pregnant I've been getting nosebleeds (one or two a week). Apparently it can be pretty common in some women. I don't really think there is any way to prevent it.. just another one of those pesky pregnancy symptoms. When you go out just make sure to always throw one of those travel tissues in your purse just in case..
Yeah I never had a nosebleed my whole life and got my first one recently.
no kidding- i just had a littlenose bleed yesterday and i never get them. i had no idea it was related to pregnancy!
| Chi - October 25 |
I have a bleeding disorder and usually get nosebleeds like crazy and havn't got one yet. It's the pregnancy hormones that make me stop bleeding.