Sharp Pain-pg111257473318
3 Replies
I am eight months pregnant and for the last two days I have been having sharp shooting pains in my groin area is this normal?
I have the same pain. This is my second pregnancy and it started as just a mild pressure and has gotten worst. I actually squatted the other day and felt like someone stabbed me! My husband is a soon to be resident and said that it is a Round Ligament. He actually showed me pictures in an anatomy book and Im sure thats what is hurting. It stinks but there isnt a quick fix. Take tylenol when you need it (if it helps) and elevate your feet when you can, my nurse also said take hot baths. And DONT SQUAT!!
| AJ - April 18 |
My doctor said it was round ligament pain too. I started getting it my 6 month of pregnancy.
I have that tooo what is it?