Anyone Who Has Had HCG Not Doubling Read Please
12 Replies
I just wanted to share my good news with you ladies who's HCG levels were not doubling like they should. I had my hcg levels drawn when I was 4 weeks, the first was 56, then two days later, it had only gone up to 82...not very much at all, the dr told me it could be an impending miscarriage or tubal pregnancy, he wasn't going to do anymore blood test just told me to wait 3 weeks for an ultrasound, I insisted on having another one done, so two days after the second test i got a test done again, it was 152, so it went up by like 80%, but he said that's still not good. so he had me very worried, then last week, on tuesday i was having bad sharp stabbing pains in my side, so i figured it was tubal like he said. i went to see him on an emergancy visit, we did an ultrasound at 6 weeks 1 day, and saw the yolk sac, but no fetal pole, he said that wasn't unusual but he was still concerned. well the pain went away, and yesterday i had my ultrasound that was originally scheduled, which was 7 weeks 1 day, and we saw a yolk sac with a fetal pole that actually resembled a small baby, and we could see the little heart beating, the heart beat was 130bpm. the dr said everything looked great, that we worried over the numbers for no reason. so ladies, if your hcg levels are going like text books say they should, don't worry just yet...wait until you have an ultrasound! Good luck everyone!
Mrose is right. Though in the beginning HCG should double every 2-3 days and try not to give up hope.
Thanks for sharing your story mrose! I don't have my 1st checkup until next week and I'll be 8 wks by then. I'm somewhat concerned after reading about all the low hcg levels here on the board...your post is definitely encouraging and I sure hope my visit goes well! :-)
mrose: I am very happy to hear hat everyghing is going well for you:))
I had my u/s last week at 6w1d and we alrady saw a little heartbeat then...I am kind of happy that I never had HCG checked...cause if it was not doubling, I would be going crazy too!!!
Seeing our little beannie was a wonderful experience!!!:)))
Martha, I know what you mean...I wish they had no checked mine, I was worrying for no reason. My Dr was talking about possible impending miscarriage or tubal pregnancy...and turns out my little bean is just fine :-) Isn't it awesome to see the heartbeat? I have my Dr's appointment with a regular OB, not high risk, on June 11th...not sure what to expect.
I'm so glad to hear your story. I am freaking out!!! I had an ultra sound done on tuesday and there was a gest sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole. He said i'm measuring about 5 weeks maybe 5 1/2. I had some light spotting and brown discharge and I had my HCG levels checked but have not got the results back as they were taken yesterday. I go back in on tuesday for more blood work to make sure they are doubling. Your story gives me hope. I can't wait until tuesday or wednesday and then I have another ultra sound June 7 I should be 7 weeks or so (I'm hoping i'm just off on my dates) they should definately see something then. Ahhh!! I'm going crazy!
Hi all, I know exactly what you are going through. I have had two m/c's. The first one I got a u/s at 6 weeks and there was only a ges sac no fetal pole. The next week there was a ges sac and yolk sac still no fetal pole. At nine weeks I saw a heartbeat (116) but the baby was only measuring about 6 weeks. I spotted about 3 days later but never did pa__s the baby. I was diagnosed with missed miscarriage and had a d&c. I got pg again last month thru IUI and since I was being monitored the did three HCG's. The first one was 50 at 4 wks. The second one was only 82 ( not doubling) then 18. Of course I miscarried. I am now pg again one month later (no af) and I am NOT going to the doc until about 7 weeks when I can see my baby. The first two times stressed me out to no end !!! THe first one I had about 5 u/s in a 9 week period.
And then the next one with all the blood work I was sitting on pins and needles!! This time I am stress free and just enjoying my pregnancy. I pray for a healthly growing little peanut!! I am 5 wks 1 day today and I am going to wait to see a doc. Sometimes its just best this way and not worry so much !
Joeysmom, you are right on target with me. I will also be 7 wks on June 7th. I am going to wait till then to schedule my appt. Good luck to you ! :)
That's great to hear mrose! I had my second blood test at 4w3days and my levels were just over 3,000. I've got my first ultra sound next week they feel very sure we'll see something then.
I was told that hcg does not always double. My doctor looked for at least a 70% increase. Mine did not textbook double and I am doing well at almost 15 weeks. Also after 20-21 days the time interval actually increases to something like a doubling ish' every 36 hours.
Hi everyone, I'm feeling a little desperate this evening. On Wednesday I got my first positive beta ever, on my 5th IVF transfer. I was thrilled and in disbelief. Came in at 96. Friday, I got my results to my second beta over the phone from Dr., conversation is a bit of a blur because it was exactly what I was afraid of. My beta didn't double, I came in in the 120's, I think he said 124.... I go back again on Monday for another Beta. A 30% rise isn't great. I am trying not to be upset and hold hope, but it is so hard. The waiting continues. He said that all my hormones are where they should be, I'm doing everything right, it's simply down to the embryo (s) at this point.
Feeling so low.
It's so great to hear these positive stories!
I have had two ectopic pregnancies and one miscarriage. I'm currently receiving treatment for my most recent ectopic, in which I received methotrexate (a chemotherapy agent) two days ago. I'm currently 29 years old and have been TTC for 4 years. My left fallopian tube was blocked from the 1st ectopic pregnancy and assuming my other is probably now too.
My HCGs looked like this:
17 dpo 66
19 dpo 206
21 dpo 422
27 dpo 1122
30 dpo 2433
I was kinda hopeful because the numbers were trending "okay", but went in for an ultra sound and they couldn't find anything in my uterus and it was diagnosed ectopic again. It's been a draining journey. It was especially difficult because my husband and I, just 2 weeks prior, put down the money to start IVF. Hopefully we will have some better luck here to come!
I had my first beta test 6/19 which was positive at 65, 2 days later tested with a number of 109. I just had another yesterday it was 272. The doctor said she didnt really like the number. It should be 300-400. Now I am worried. I go back tomorrow for another test.
Thank you so much for posting this!!
I got a BFP on June 16th, Called my OB and they were able to get me in on the 20th. They sent me for HCG draws [first time ever in 5 pregnancies!]. First draw was on the 21st [94] - Second draw was on the 25th [320]. Starting the 22nd I had brown discharge and wasn't too worried as I've had it in previous pregnancies and it was only when I wiped. It continued all through the weekend and into the week. I went to the ER [after calling my OB and letting them know what had been going on] and their draw on the 27th was 402. They also did a transvaginal ultrasound and dated me at 4w6d when I originally thought I was closer to 5w6d. In all honesty my numbers could have been wrong. They saw the beginning of a gestational sac and nothing more. Cervix is still closed... and the brown spotting/discharge is still occuring [only when wiping]. It's freaking me out!!! I have another transvaginal ultrasound on July 16th [orginally scheduled before ER visit] and I'm just praying everything is okay and that I don't have another blighted ovum or missed miscarriage. I almost wish they didn't do the HCG draw because those numbers freak me out... I'm trying to remind myself that as long as they're going up we're okay. Very hard to do.