Thank you knockerknock & iemc19. I did have some support but I was far too unwell and it wasn't just my mind, but my physical body as well, but I wont go there. I know that my children will never forget having to move away from me, They wouldn't have understood why they couldn't be with there mummy, it is something that has certainly made me feel terrible, but I know that because I love them so much I made sure they were going to be ok and put there needs before my own. They have been with my mum for two years now and I am a lot better, but I don't want to just take them away from there home and disturb there routine, that they feel secure with, these things need to be done slowly but so that they both feel safe and secure and know exactly what is going on. I never want for them to ever go through, the same experience of feeling as though they are being ripped out of there home. With my current pregnancy, I wont be letting the same, situation affect both our lives and I am in the process of setting up a safe home for me and all three of my children (I'm including the pregnancy in that number). I am studying and I am looking forward to having a wonderful future with my children and doing the best I can for them so they are happy and healthy. My partner has accepted the pregnancy, I think he just freaked out and didn't think about what he was saying. Instead of talking to him the way I thought I should I had a really good think about the person he is and how to approach him and talk to him the way he would like. For example I might think what I was saying was completely unthreatening but he might be looking at it differently. Men can get absolutely terrified of having there own child, I have learnt so much lately. I hope everything is going great for everyone, take care and all the best for the future, thanks for reading my story. I am very optimistic about our future.
Hi d16mond,
I am 10 weeks pregant and went through a similar situation. I was living in PA with my boyfriend and I became pregnant. He insisted that I get an abortion, which I do not believe in. Since I refused to get an abortion he has kicked me out, knowing full well that I had no place to go or no money for that matter. I have since moved back to Michigan to be with my friends and family and I can't tell you how happy I am knowing that I made the right decision keeping this child. It is a blessing from God and I will do whatever it takes to make sure my baby has a wonderful life. I'm sure you will do the same! Hang in there!!