Anyone Due January 2010

143 Replies
rpats - June 29

Meghan- Yeah, that is what my husband and I were saying... that if we feel positive after the scan we will tell immediates that weekend anyway. I just dont understand how they cant tell you right there how much fluid they are measuring... doesnt seem to make sense. Yes -I am still fitting into all my clothes.... but I def feel like my stomach sticks out alot... I feel like I have to be conscience of the specific tops I wear, and how I stand... else someone would be able to guess.... I cant wait to just come out with it! Lol I havent gained a pound yet... lets hope to keep it that way for at least a few more weeks... haha Tina- Congrats on making it to the next trimester! Very exciting!!! I cant wait for that!


BonnieR - June 29

tina, I know how you feel! I will be 13 weeks on wednesday and still feel like it is all too good to be true :). I have had 3 previous ultrasounds (since my progesterone was low and I got pregnant on clomid which the Dr. said increases the chance of early miscarriage) all the ultrasounds were ok and I have a visit with my regular OB tomorrow (I was seeing a reproductive Dr.) So yes I know how you feel :) I have actually ordered maternity clothing from jcpenney online, they have a closeout 9.99 section. I am still wearing my regular clothes, but one pair of work pants and some of my jeans are just too uncomfortable to wear. According to one of the baby books, it says 14 weeks most women start to wear maternity clothes.. so we will all see :) Glad to hear that everyone is doing well!


meghanlee - June 29

rpats-well, good luck at your scan...I'm sure everything will go great and then you can share your news! I know what you mean about pants fitting but having to be careful with tops. I have shared my news already so I am not trying to "hide" anything...but i just feel fat. This was the part of pregnancy I disliked the most with my son..the in between stage when you don't have a nice baby belly yet and you just look chubby. Yuck! I anxiously await my baby belly!


rpats - June 29

hahaha- cldnt help but laugh at that... that is so true.... when I see pregnant women walking around - the obviously very pregnant ones- in their cute little maternity outfits, i look down at my speedbump and feel so gross. I agree.... I try not to stress over the flab.... I know its coming... but the "real" preggo belly def looks alot nicer than this! I have a question for you ladies.... I am 10w4d today, and for some reason I am just starting to get very worried.... I too conceived using Clomid and was seeing an RE- so I had very frequent ultrasounds along the way thus far. At 8w I was discharged from the RE, and now have to see my OB (going in Wednesday). But from the beginning, I havent had any symptoms other than fatigue. I feel so worried that I dont get to see the baby as often as I did at the RE... and actually see the heartbeat....etc.... its just so nerve-wrecking... i just feel like there is nothing going on in me... anyone else not have ANY major symptoms ever??? I know everyone is different... I just wish I could purchase an u/s machine and check it daily. hahahaha


meghanlee - June 29

rpats-I know what you are going through...with my first son my appts started at 6 weeks so I felt very rea__sured that there was indeed a baby in there. With this pregnancy we are in a new location and therefore I have a new OB. With this OB I had no confirmation until after 10 weeks. I also have no symptoms really. I was very tired and my b___sts hurt, but that's it. I have never had morning sickness or anything else to give me that daily reminder that YES...I am pregnant. Try not to worry and realize that soon you will get to hear the heartbeat at every appt. Also, you can buy a doppler machine to hear the heartbeat at home. I have one and it made me feel more comfortable in between appts with my first baby! :)


rpats - June 29

ahh- so at least one other person feels my pain. :) good to hear... i feel silly complaining about not having any symptoms... as I am sure those that have symtpoms would prefer they go away! Lol... but exactly what you said... thos symptoms are a reminder that the baby is there... and making its presence known! Will def lookinto the doppler. thanks


BonnieR - June 29

rpats: I know what you mean! I felt like that last week. Since we both had so many ultrasounds in the beginning, it was great always seeing the baby grow and checking on the heart beat. I also had a lag between my last ultrasound and my visit tomorrow 9(which I HOPE they give me an ultrasound, or at least listen to the heartbeat). as for symptoms, I am also very tired like you, but not as tired as before. I don't have that metal taste in my mouth as frequently as I did before. I get dizzy and a little nauseous if I don't eat on time, or over work myself. But I would say that the symptoms are not as severe or frequent as before. Which my guess is because i am going into my second trimester, and because I think we get used to the symptoms since we live with them day in and day out. Good luck on your next dr. visit! I know you are awaiting it!. heartbeat doppler: i know they make one for the third trimester, is there one that you can use earlier?


meghanlee - June 29

Yes, they make dopplers that you can use at home as early as 12 weeks (but of course how big you are can have a large impact on how early you can hear the heartbeat...if you have a lot of fat on your stomach it can be harder to hear). The doppler I have I actually bought at Kmart for 30 dollars and I was able to hear my baby's heartbeat last night for the first time (I am 11 weeks 5 days).


PinkAmerican - June 30

Hi ladies, Love the comments about clothing. All my stuff still fits, but I hate anything pressing on my stomach. It makes me feel sick. I'm looking at getting the Belly Belt think for my pants...a couple of girlfriends said it's a great way to use your old clothes throughout pregnancy. While I'm all over cute pregnancy tops, I'm not loving the pants so much. We'll see. Oh, on dopplers, there's a brand I read about called 'Angelsounds' fetal doppler which seems relatively inexpensive and highly recommend by those who bought it For me, Sx's are Finally sort of starting to ease up a bit. I don't feel like I need to lay in bed all the time, but I'm still being side-swiped by fatigue. Still can't stand the smell of my couch, either...grrr. I'm 11wks 4days now and a NEW thing has started. Early on, I was having these irritating muscle cramps (superficial) from my lower right ab down to the right side of my pelvic area. This lasted for a couple of weeks and at were painful. Then they just stopped. Now, the same muscle isn't cramping, but contracts and releases. Before you say anything, I'm 100% positive this isn't my uterus, just some ab or pelvic muscle, but it's annoying all the same. Have my next apt on Thurs and then my first-tri scan next Fri. When will we be graduating this thread to the 2nd trimester??? By my estimate, the ladies furthest back are just over the 9 week hump at this point...should we wait until everyone hits 13 weeks? It might be nice group support that way. IDK. Thoughts?


rpats - July 1

hey pinkamerican! Let me know how you like the belly belt... I was looking at that last week...but figured I would wait to see how big the rest of me got, to see if wearing my regular pants unb___toned was even an option! lol nice - we go in for our 1st tri scans on the same day :) so you are feeling a new symptom huh? thats interesting.... the only thing I feel (usually first thing in the morning) is that when I stretchm I feel a cramp in my lower right abdomen... but as soon as I stop stretching, it goes away. I am 10w6d today....ONE more week to get to that finish line... cant wait!


BonnieR - July 1

Hello, Yes I think we should wait for everyone to hit their 13w mark before we move to the second trimester board :) My doctor changed my due date after my appointment yesterday and I am officially due Jan 1st, phew I get to stay in this group :) (I was Jan 6th) so I will be 14 weeks tomorrow. I will say that I am feeling much better and not as tired as I was before, but still tired, just not falling asleep while I am driving :). So I will find out the gender on July 31st! seems so close! Hope everyone is well and has better weather than I have been having lately (all rain!)


1st Baby and Excited - July 2

Hi Everyone! BonnieR - you're one day ahead of me! I'm due 2nd Jan. 14 wks sounds so exciting! Are you definately finding out the gender? My Husband doesn't want to, and he's being very definate about it..... rpats - I agree with the others - I think you should tell everyone! We told everyone at 9 wks - before our scan - because that was when we had a big function on and it was so perfect to announce it that day. I was a little worried but I had heard the Heart Beat and that was good enough for me. Let us know what you do. Pinkamerican - All of your clothes still fit? All of them? You rock! Nothing fits me already. I can't stand anything on my waist and there is no way my jeans are doing up. They still fit my bum etc but my belly is really sticking out. I tried one of those Belly Band things but the smallest size falls off me. I am quite small - so I have bought a couple of things a size bigger than normal. My work pants don't do up and I've been wearing My Husbands Uniform shirt over my pants - cause mine is too short to cover the top of my pants. I'm really struggling with clothes at the moment - and I feel a little embarra__sed cause everyone is commenting how big my stomach is "already". I'm getting a lot of "are you sure it's not twins" Comment. I am feeling very bloated ALL the time. And when I eat it feels like the food just sits there and my belly keeps growing during the day, then goes down a bit during the night. Is anyone still reading my long post? btw, I have had some un-explained pain lower right side as well. . . . .Don't know what it is. . . So I've got the pregnant Belly everyone is wanting but I feel embarra__sed, cause it feels too soon. Now I feel silly Like rpats feeling silly about complaining about no "sickness" symptoms? I guess we all just want to know we're normal - but we have to remember we're all different and so is every pregnancy. . . . . . ok I'm done now.......


rpats - July 2

hehehe- I was cracking up reading your post 1st baby & excited. lol. too funny. I can understand your pain...and I know people dont mean to make you feel like an alien, but i wish people would just keep their comments like "oh you're so big already!" to themselves. I have learned by beig in the pregg persons shoes- that all I want to hear is "you look great!" HAHA I went to my 2nd OB appt last night. Did I say I miss the RE??? haha. My OB was taking on another OB's patients last night and I waited an hour and a half to see her. what a freakin nightmare. I was starving and cranky to say the least when I got in there. Then she decides that instead of doing a v____al u/s she will "try" to see if abdomen u/s worked... it did... but it was very hard to see the little bean, and any time I moved, it was gone.... in any case, like I mentioned before, I dont feel ANY symptoms and so I was a bit stressed.... really wanted to know what the heart beat was, but she said she couldnt tell me just yet- still a few more weeks! she did show it to me on the screen, and she said it was beating nice and fast... so I guess that is good enough. Than she didnt measure the baby.... and it was just too hard with the way she was doing the u/s to get a good picture of the baby... so I dont know how much the baby has grown... etc. etc. I love the OB and all, but I think I was way too spoiled byt he RE taking such patience and monitoring every little thing! whoops- that was a long post as well. hehe


PinkAmerican - July 2

I love these longer looks like everyone is STARTING to feel more comfy with the idea of the staying power of their pregnancies. That's good. 1st joke, all my clothes still fit. I haven't gained a pound nor have I regained the weight I've lost so far. I'm a comfortable size 12 and had a little room to give when this started, so that probably explains that. I am, however, eying more comfortable pants and forgiving tops. I know I'll need it soon. rpats, I envy the no symptoms...if only that didn't equal stress...then you could say "I loved everyday of my pregnancy"...I'm waiting for the day to start for me any time now. Each morning (and night and noon) I meditate on the placenta taking over so I can get nausea relief and start enjoy this experience. Am I crazy? Oh, btw, does it sound weird that ever since I've been pregnant, I sneeze 2 out of 3 times when eating. It's always JUST after I start, so I end up coating myself with food if I didn't have a napkin handy. It's completely ridiculous. I have my 12wk apt today (a tad early due to the holiday weekend). I'm preparing to be scolded for not having done my glucose test. Another thing, on the COST of a pregnancy...holy cow. So, I had my lab stuff done about 3.5 weeks back and the lab sent the bill to me. It was $1000 huge. I pulled out the same bill form my pregnancy two years ago and that was $170...there was SOOOOO much extra lab work done this time, way more than I was aware of. The midwife had me tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia...hello, I've been in a monogamous relationship for 7 years and haven't had that on any of my previous paps, so what gives? It's that whole nickel and diming thing. Turns out the lab jumped the gun in billing me before the insurance finished processing the claim, so I breathed a sigh of relief. But still $1000??? The OB panel from two years ago cost $100 and this years was $276...a 250% increase??? No wonder the healthcare system in this country (the states) is so messed up. Okay, done with my rant. Have a wonderful weekend all.


PinkAmerican - July 2

Oh, one last thing...on learning the gender early on... If you're thinking of doing it, but want to do so in a cool way, I heard this story from my aunt. Her friend went for the US and brought a little blue outfit and a little pink one. She asked the technician to place the appropriate outfit in a box (without them seeing of course). They took the box home, wrapped it and planned a party. With all their friends and family present, they opened the box and everyone found out together that it was a ... You know, I can't remember what it was, but you can see how much fun that'd be.


rpats - July 2

hahaha. nice PinkAmerican - that is a cute idea. You are too funny! I havent hear of anyone sneezing while they eat- but maybe this is god's way of preparing you for all the baby food you will sooon be coated with! hahaha I hear you... you cant win... symptoms or no symptoms- still wont be 100% content. I hope your subside soon... most things I read said they usually die down after 10 weeks, so you have more than paid your dues! I just ordered a doppler- hoping it will pacify me if I can hear the heartbeat every few days.... As for the cost- I hear you. I am already trying to work a baby into our budget... its very costly.... but so worth it. amazing how much times have changed since your first child. I also got bloodwork done for all those STD's and more... HIV, etc. the RE's clinic did that the first day I was there.... thank god for insurance!



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