i'm about 6 1/2 weeks pregnant and i have been feeling like a cramping /pulling or pressure in my lower right part of my stomach is that normal? can it be i'm having more than one baby? i haven't had any bleeding my appet_te is good no head aches or any thing. this will be my 5th baby and i am 30 years old.
I was just looking to find answers for your very question!!. I have the same thing going on with me. I just had a miscarriage this past feb. and that was my 3rd one. (i have also had 2 kids though that made it to term and are healthy) but my pain (feels like a stretching pain, as if it were a rubber band inside me) it changes to the left and right...its getting more constent too. I am a bit worried, PLEASE, i beg you, if you find anything out, just email me a quick simple note if this is ok or not, PLEASE? i'd very much appreiceate it. fairytales242@yahoo.com Thankyou so much, ill still be looking for this answer and if i come across it, ill be sure to drop by and fill you in, lynn
Well, I am slightly comforted to know that others have this feeling too. I have had it every so often and the past few days its been painful. I'm 7 1/2 weeks with my first. I've heard pulling is normal, not sure if this much is. I will be waiting for an answer also.
i myself had a miscarriage in jan. and am now about 6 weeks pregnant , i feel cramping and pressure.. I am constantly looking out for bleeding, because i remember this pressure from my last pregnancy.. im praying everything is ok. I feel very pregnant though.. mood swings, sensitive nipples.. i get nauseus if i dont eat.. so im hoping for the best!.. any advice.. please respond