436 Replies
sanjavi77 - November 5

Hi ladies, how is it going? diya is doing great, so am I healthwise. b___stfeeding is going great. I am so happy with that itself. could not post b4 b/c of hectic schedule. How are things with all of you? Helene, you are so near your delivery. I wish you all the best. Are you going to Lamaze cla__ses?How do you feel in your last trimester? I used to say heavy feeling lol. I can't believe still that my pregnancy is over, when I look at my little Diya....huh? baby is here already....it takes a lot for new moms....so pamper yourself even after delivery. One of our friend came to see Diya and I was in PJ's...it had been only 5 weeks yet and wth c-sec it is so hard to wax legs and stuff and that is the last thing on my mind these days. She commented that you are growing ypur hair....I was like what? she goes may be you were supposed to be a boy, but were born like a girl...then said just joking. I got so upset. My c-sec insicion was opened a bit last week, my DH was learning how to do it cuz I can't see, but he fainted...gosh I was scared and i was sharing with my friend...she goes your incision is not healing cuz you may be delivered at the age of 28 and she delivered at the age of 23. I was like thankx, So pls pamper yourlsef and let others not say anything discouraging. I do feel blue sometimes, but ppl's comments make me feel discouraged or bit depressed. Anyhow, I will send pics, let me know, ifyou got it or not. love, Avi


Helene - November 5

Hi, Avi! Glad to hera you an Diya are doing well. Don't worry about the stupid things peopel say. I sometimes can't believe some of the things they do. My friend had a planned c-section last May (her second) and she had the same thing where about 2cmm of the incision didn't close properly. She actually got a staph infection, which sucked, and she was quite miserable and had a home health aide to help her (she has a two year old and her hubby was at work). So take care of your incision and hopefully poor dh won't faint again. Mone would probably do the same thing. remember - this is the man who isn't sure he will survive th whole birth in the delivery room so my sis is my coach just in case! LOL! I took my childbirth cla__s and every time I go for an appointment the nurse asks me if I am practicing my breathing. I didn't take the b___st feeding cla__s- there was a La Leche meeting right near my house a week ago and i was going ot go to that to learn, but i was so exhausted the whole week that I didn't. I better do something! ANd yes, I am uncomfortable -I have a list of complaints!


zay28 - November 6

Avi, i am glad to hear about you, i saw your little princess picture. Thanks toshare that with me. I am sorry about you insicion. Hope it heals fast. DOn't worry about people comments, for reason after delivery we get upset easier for stupid comments. I always said stupid comments come from stupid people, so stupid people can'thave the ability to boder me.SOrry, but i have a fast brainn connected to my mouth and I always have a very appropiate response for comments like that. ANyhow, you princess is very cute. Helene you are very close of your due date. Please, send me pictures of the little boy as soon you have 5 minutes free. It is hard to believe that after a delivery you can't find those 5 minutes that easy. I still hav ethe rash in my uppe tummy, but it doesn't itch i keep the iching down. I started suffering of gases, that proiduce a terrible pain in my back if I am standing for long time. I had a terrible flu that is gone by now, but make my days miserable. Vanessa is such a cuty girl, everytime that we go out ina store ands she see something for boys she wants to buy it for her little brother. I am going for naother scan in 2 eweeks, they coudn't see the baby hart for some reason. They said that whatever they saw in the scan was normal. Uff that is agood relief. Well ladies, hope everiting is ok with you. Kisses to th elitll ones and a big hug for the mommies and mom to be..


Helene - November 6

Hi, Zaida! Don't worry about the scan and the heart -I had the same problem. I went back two more times because he was alwyas lying on his stomach and so stubborn he wouldn't give us a good view. Little stinker! Must be something about boys! LOL! Vanessa sounds so darn cute. I love that she is so into her little brother already. That is so sweet. I still have the itching but not too bad and I am a reformed woman - I don't scratch it til it bleeds anymore! I want the horrible scabs I created to finally heal so idon;t get scarring (to go with my network of horrible purple stretch marks _ mt stomach is COVERED!). Would you do me a favor and forward my e-mail address to AVi so she can send me pics of Diya, too? I have your e-mail listed in the addresses for the baby site on the hospital's web page so that when Teddy is born we can send pics out with an e-mail announcement. Kim,I put you on there, too. Give us a shout out Kim when you have a chance so we know how your little princess is doing. Take care, ladies!


knpandrews - November 11

Hi Ladies... How are you? I am so sorry that I have not written in a while things around here have been crazy. Baby girl Sierra has been back in the hospital but she got home today. It was pretty scary for a while. About 2 wks ago she was laying in her sleep and her heart rate starting racing. Her lips turned blue and she was unresponsive. I live close to the hospital so I rushed her there my self. It would have taken longer to wait for an ambulance. I called ahead and let them know I was coming. When I arrived they were outside waiting with a stretcher. They hooked her up to some oxygen and did some tests. What happened was she got an infection in her esophugus. Her formula was to thin for her pa__sages and the formula went up to the sinus cavities and became infected because she was apparently not digesting her food. So we have to now keep her on thickened formula and special meds until I can meet with the GI specialist on monday. But she is home and resting comfortably now. How are things going? Helen... You must be getting close now right around your due date right? Zaida, how are you? how is Vanessa? What was your due date again? How are you feeling? Avi... how is Diya doing? Well ladies... Hope to hear from you. Love and kisses.


Helene - November 11

Oh,Kim - tha is so scary! I ams so glad to hera that little Sierra is okay now. I will keep her and you and dh in my thoughts and prayers even so. I hope that everything is smooth sailing form now on with you folks. Poor little pumpkin. Thank goodness you responded so quicjkly and you have a great hospital staff. We also live right near the hospital literally blocks away) and your story makes me realize just how rea__suring that is. Unfortunatley it is not the one I wilbe delivering at,but at least I know it is there for emergencies, and they were awesome during my m/c. Yes, Iam 2 weeks awwya form due dtae. I put all three of you ladies on the e-mail address list so when we send out the birth announcement form the hospital you will all get it. Take care all!


mrsclark0327 - November 14

Hi All! I am new to this site but I am so glad I found it. I hope I can get some help, suggestions, support and prayers! I am 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant. This is my third pregnancy, I have had 2 previous miscarriages. I am very worried. I am taking prometrium to help boost my progeterone levels. When I first found out I was pregnant, my level was 11.5. I have been taking prometrium for about a week now and my level is 16.8. I had one ultra sound already and I am having another one this Thursday. I have been feeling cramping and muscle spasms in my lower stomach. This feels different from my previous pregnancies. Have any of you ever been on a progeterone supplement? Am I suppose to be experiencing the pain I am having?


Helene - November 14

Hi, Mrs. Clark! If you read back to the beginning you wil see that most of us were in roughly the same boat as you are now. I was 5 weeks and a couple of days along when they started me on prochieve 8% v____al progesterone supplements. MY progesterone level was 10.5 and after I started the supplements I forget what it went up to but it was around 16 or 18. I am now 38 1/2 weeks along and awaiting the birth of my first son. I had a m/c last year, so this sis my second pregnanct. I had pms like cramping in my belly during the beginning (and many other times) so what you are feelign may be normal. Call you r docs/nurse and ask them about anything or everything you feel - tha is what you pay them for, LOL! I really wish you the bets of luck and send lots of good wishes and prayers and hopes your way. AVi and Kim have had their little girls already, and Zaida is more than halfway through her pregnancy. You can ask us whatever you want or just vent/worry whatever you ned to do - we totally understand how you feel. Keep your chin up. ANd welcome ot the post.


mrsclark0327 - November 14

Hi Helene! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I am so happy for the mothers that have had success stories and congradulations to you as well. You are almost there.Your son will be here before you know it....lol..I still have along way to go but I promised myself and the Lord that I wouldn't complain as long as I can have a help baby. That is really all I want. I have started trying to eat better and walking when I get a chance. This pregnancy is the most important thing to me.


Helene - November 14

Mrs.Clark - You are so welcome! Keep thinking positive and do whatever you need to to feel well and get through this time. I am sending good thoughts, prayers and wishes your way!


zay28 - November 15

Hi Kim, i don't what to tell you, it must be scary all of that with Baby Sierra. I prayed for all you. I am confident by now she is doing really well. Please let us know what is going on with her. Helene, i didn't know that you had a misscarried last year. I bet that was a very sad days. Well you are almost there. Teddy is his way to fill your hous of love and happiness. I look forward to know all of details of your delivery. I started to feel that i am getting close. wish you a very relaxed and no pain delivery. I started to feel the day closer, i am on my 22 weeks. I amleaving for cruise on the 23 of november and come back the 3 of dec. I hope by them helene you will have the grat news with pictures :-). I had my second sonogram last week and i saw with very clear my baby boy parts. I saw also his profile in 3D. My mom was with me and i swear it was vanessa's profile. Very cute and hansome boy! :-) mrsclark welcome to the forum, i think all yor cramps are very normal. My progesterone levels went very low 6.4 and i have to take the medication twice at day. I also experience a ligth bleeding that scared me to death but by now i think it was normal. I have a all my test done and the baby seems to be fine and helathy. That is what i translate from my U/s and myblod test. Don't worry and take your progesterona until your twelve week. Do you have a preliminary sonogram yet? good luck with you and jkeep wirting. Sorry English is not my first language and i have a lot grammar mistakes, by now helene, kim and avi are used to my spanglish. Trying to improve it but it is very hard...


sanjavi77 - November 17

Hi girls,Howz everybody doing? First of all, Helene All THE BEST! I can't wait to see baby Teddy. How exciting! Zaida All the best for your trip. Have fun cruizing! Mrs. Clark as all said pls take it easy and stay calm & strong. Kim, how is your princess doing? It is good that you rushed her right away to the hosp. Infection with infants is scary. I heard that upto 13 weeks after birht their digestive system muscles still work hard to contract or something. diya is doing g8, but had the similar kind of situation like Sierra. Diya did not eat ahything for about 10 hours so doc told to come over. Their as the doc came inside ,s he started to cry out of hunger. While I was b___stfeeding doc checked her heartbeat and discoverd a murmur. I was ...did not know ...could not believe what I heard, just silently tears rolled out, he told us to see a cardiologist immediately and ater two hours of wait and worry...the cardiologist was great...explained it all to us and did her heart u/s...all the things came out normal except for this little whole, which is present in all the infants. Normally that whole is of 3cm, but in Diya's case it is 7cm. So for now we have to see her cardiologist in thenext month, but we all hoping that it should colse on it own. Sometimes that happens, otherwise surgery is done, surgery is not a big one either. Otherwise, she is doing g8. She can run, play soccer and do all normal activites in her life, so really nothing big to worry a bout. With all ths I think I got bit of postpartum type depression, but_t is okay. Hubby is there to support. lots of love! Helen, I hope you deliver naturally...no c-sec. after 12ish hours contractions become really strong, so think of something to divert your mind. My DH was rubbing my forehead, that is what I had told him, but it did not work. lol. God Bless! Enjoy your big moment!


Helene - November 19

Hi, ladies! Zaida - have fun on your cruise! Maybe Teddy will arrive before you get back! Avi - I am sorry to hear about little Diya's heart murmur but so glad that it is not goign to keep her form anything. One of my college roomates had a slight heart murmur an she was (and is - I just saw her at my shower tis past Sunday) a helaty, happy active person. I wish you all well! I wil chekc in form time to tiem an I have all your e-mail adresses on th elist tonotify you when Teddy is born! Happy Thanksgiving in case we don't "speak" before then!


sanjavi77 - November 23

Hi Helene,Wishing you all the best! Zaida, how are you doing my dear? Thanks for sharing. Diya is doing allright. Nothing much, all same from my side. Have a good Thanks Giving,-avi


knpandrews - November 23

Hi everyone... I promised myself that I would take a few min. sit down and write you all. I figured the best day would be thanksgiving. Its quiet around here today. Baby is sleeping, hubby is watching football, and my turkey is cooking. We are just having us for dinner. I didnt want to be around everyone this year. I just wanted a quiet relaxing family day. Helen... I know you are getting close. You should be due very shortly. Maybe you will have a thanksgiving baby boy!!! Let me know when you give birth to baby boy teddy. I know you are getting anxious. Avi... How are you? I read what happened with Diya. Dont worry to much about it. I had a heart murmur at birth, so did my sister. It does go away or fade from what I understand. Just keep a close watch on her I know in my heart she will be fine. She is a strong baby girl... just like her mommy. Zadia... How are you feeling? When is your due date? I know you are getting excited as well. As for me and Sierra... we are doing well. She is doing ok on her new feeds and she seems to be coming along nicely. She is now up to 7 1/2 lbs. from her 3 lbs. 9 oz. at birth. She is still only grown 1 inch she is very chubby. LOL. She is the light of my life and is absolutely well worth all that I went through. I would do it again in a minute. Well... maybe 18 more months. LOL. Well ladies... gotta run for now. Its easier for me to be reach and contacted through email. Send me an email to kimberly_andrews@comcast.net if you want to chat. I dont always get a chance to check this forum. Looking forward to hearing back. I will check this forum as much as I can. Much love ladies and a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING. We all have alot to be thankful for this year!!!


knpandrews - November 24

Hey everyone Just a quick update. Helen had Teddy. Helen, congrats and alot of love.



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