Hi everyone,
Bad news today. At 28 dpo, my beta level is only 511. Ten days ago, it was 146. So this clearly is a no-go. Just not sure whether it is ectopic or a blighted ovum. My doc isn't in until tomorrow so I won't know 'till then what's going to happen. Best of luck to everyone else here!
Well it has turned out to be a terrible day for me... i started bleeding and had a u/s. No heartbeat and no fetal growth in 2 weeks. So the final word is not a quality pregnancy. I need to decide if I'm going to have the miscarrage naturally or have a D&C.
I wish everyone the best and I'll hope that the others have better news than I did.
I am so glad I found this thread. My heart goes out to all of you. I am in the same boat. My LMP was 12/9. First positive HPT was 1/11 and second one was 1/22. On 1/28, I had a tiny amount of bleeding. I called my OB and they scheduled me for an U/S and bloodwork that same day. Abdominal U/S was inconclusive so they did a v____al. Good news is they found a yolk sac as well as a fetal pole - measurements indicated 5w5d gestation... no HB but still could be early. I thought I was two weeks further along but figured maybe I ovulated late. Got the HCG results on 1/29, they were 13,885. Dr. had them repeated on 1/30; results came in yesterday at 15,670 - not the double the dr. would have liked but increasing none the less. Had additional bloodwork done yesterday and just got results - again, not a double but still increasing - I'm at 19,356. Dr. wants me to come in tomorrow and see her. Bleeding has completely stopped - it was just that little bit on 1/28. Went to my OB on 1/29, she did an internal and there was no blood and the cervix was closed. Should I be concerned about the slow rise in the numbers.. I think they are still in line with where they should be considering how far along I am. Any insight would be great - this is my first pregnancy so I don't know what to think.
update: I started cramping Saturday, pain on my left side. On Sunday hurting worse. Went to the emergency room at 11;00, started pa__sing out. they did a blood count, was at 11. they said it was normal.... blood pressue was 88/36.. I was admitted....at 9:00 another blood count...was dropping... now it was 8....was told they would do another at 3:00A.M.... it had dropped to 4... I was rushed to surgery... the baby was in my tube & had ruptured, I had a slow bleed that had caused clotting around my tube. The Dr. removed my left tube and had to break up the clots and suck them out. Had to have 2 bags of blood... The Dr. says i can still try again, but I am too scared this might happen again.Don't really know what to do.....
Kimistry - I'm sorry. I too had an ectopic with emergency surgery one year ago. It was very scary and a very long recovery period. It took me a year to conceive again and once I did it was very scary in the beginning not knowing if it was another tubal or not. Give yourself some time to heal, emotionally and physically and then decide if you are up to trying again. This time around it ended up in my uterus although not viable. I'm still not sure if we will try again. It is very emotionally draining but so is wanting a baby....
Hi guys i know i haven't been on for a while, the doctors have verified an ectopic in my right tube. So at the moment its a great big waiting game for me, because they are waiting to see if my body will get rid of it on its own or whether they need to intervene and remove my remaining tube.
After roughly 15 blood tests and a hospital to hospital referral I am at that point now where I am so tired I really just want it to all be over and done with now. My heart goes out to you Kimistry i had an emergency op for an ectopic last year and it was the scariest thing i have ever had to experience... i'm just hoping that it doesn't have to happen again, i'll know by the end of today what the hospital wants to do with me now.
I wish all of you the best of luck and to those of you that have had bad news, time will heal the wounds and hopefully you will be blessed in the future. I will update you with my progress in the next few days
My Story: LMP 12/12/09 Ovulated around the 28th. HPT on 1/9/09. Started bleeding on 1/12/09. It became progressively heavier and was bright red so I went to the ER on the 15. They ran HCG and it was 79. 1/17 HCG was 115. 1/26 it was 2,608. 2/3 was 10,849. Had an Ultrasound and found a sac. but nothing else. Said that the sac measured 5 weeks when I had calculated 7 weeks. HCG take again on 2/9 and it was only 15,000. I am just at a loss. I don't know what is going on. I am wondering if anyone had kind of the same levels that I did and what happened. Thanks!
This forum is addictive. My heart goes out to so many of you. I guess being able to relate to so many of you brings a closeness. Here's an update for me: I saw my dr for a f/u appt after my surgery. He says he knows how badly I want a baby and encourages me to try again. He said it would take about 6 - 8 weeks for my insides to heal so I needed to wait through that but asked that I not wait longer than 2 months because scarring may be an issue the longer I wait. I do want this badly but the events I went through with the ectopic and emerg surg were so scary that I'm just not sure what I want to do. The fact that the dr knew i was bleeding internally for 2 days and allowed it to continue before doing surgery on Monday REALLY upsets me. My family members think I should just give it up. I guess I'll have 2 months of healing and lots of prayer. Hopefully by then I will be at peace and know what to do.
I am shocked that your dr. let you go that long too. Just follow your heart and you will know what to do. I would definitely find a different dr. if you decide to try again.
Hey guys I know a couple of you have been there with me along the way and I would just like to say thank you. Kimestry... I am so sorry to hear that youalso had an ectopic, I was given the methotrexate injection and today was told that it is working, which has been a major relief... but I had the same experience as you last year with an ectopic and had to have an emergency salpingectomy which believe takes a long time to recover from, not physically but emotionally... but in the end if a family is what you want you'll keep trying as I still am, the emotional scares do heal... its strange that your doctor left you with internal bleeding and has told you to try concieve again in the next two months... if i were you i'd get a second opinion
because the earliest the doctors and consultants told me was 6 months as your body needs time to recover... but through all of this just remember to keep postive you'll heal quicker and be ready for the emotional rolacoaster all over again... take care. Michelle