I had my period which was a little lighter then normal but only lasted 2 day now I've had a day of when I wipe its brown discharge and had stomach cramps. Could I be pregnant? My periods are always regular and last about 5 days. We have been trying for a baby for about a year now
It is definitely possible! Did you take a hpt? I would just to be sure ???? Good luck & baby dust!
Yes I took one last night and it came up negative. So now I'm stuck!
They suggest a visit to a fertiltiy specialist after a year with no success. Your husband could run a drug store sperm check. You could start BBT temperature charting. I expect you know that the best time is the middle of the month 18 to 13 days before your next period. Physical signs of ovulation include fertile mucus (raw egg white and stretchy), high sex drive, cervix soft high open wet (finger check), and maybe an ovulation cramp.
I have endometriosis so I've had an ovulation test and that's fine my partner is having a semun test as we talk but I am always regular with my period never late and never as short as it was this time that why I was asking if it's normal as it is not normal for me