Name Advice Please Pg1265091432
1 Replies
I'm expecting a boy in just a few weeks and only have my name list narrowed down to 5.
Here are the names in no particular order:
1. Oliver
2. Kai (pronounced K-"eye")
3. Bekkam (Not to be confused with David "Beckham" the soccer player)
4. Liam
5, Rowan
Which names do you like?
Here's another question... I'm sold on the middle name "Samuel," It's my dad's name. If we went with Bekkam Samuel, is it an issue that the first two initials would be B.S? Or would most people notice that? If so, could I just do a double middle name to fix that? Like Bekkam Christian Samuel?
Also an initials problem with Liam Samuel. Our last name is Davis. So it would be L.S.D. Is that a big deal? I don't think that drug is even around anymore...
I love the number 2 name:) Congrats on the little one.
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