My LMP was on 12/20/11. According to several sites my fertile days were from Dec 30 - Jan 2 (is that correct?). My cycle is about 27 days. I am due to come on the 15th or 16th. I had intercouse (unprotected w/ ejaculation) on Jan 2(multiple times). I started cramping w/a very light pinkish spotting on 1/7 and 1/8..I am now cramping right now w/spotting...Could I just be coming on my cycle or could that be from implantation and I could be pregnant??? I am sooo confused.
Great exposure at ovulation time! There is a good chance of pregnancy. You could test on Sunday morning first am pee, and repeat a week later if still in doubt. By now you should be feeling some changes - fatigue, peeing, b___st and nip, backache, gut function, discharge etc. GL!
I stopped spotting mid morning on 1/12 and my cycle actually came this morning. I am still not sure what is going and why it did this. This NEVER happens to me. Could there be a chance that I could be pregnant even though my cycle started today? This was just too weird for words. I walked into the bathroom last night after my youngest son went #2 and I almost threw up instantly as soon as I hit the doorway. I still have the "full" feeling in my stomach but that could be cause of my cycle....
Based on what happened this month with the spotting 5 days after intercourse during my fertile time could I still be pregnant with having what I believe to be my normal cycle??