Brown Spotting And Negative Home Test
2 Replies
I am 27 yr old married. I trying to get pregnant for three months.And i had very regular periods with a slight change in the cycle days for all the years. Now i am 8 days past my due date.on the 8th day i am getting some brown spots than usual.Also the other pregnancy symptoms like vomiting craving for food are absent.i also got some pink spot 2days before my period with small cramping of small intervals
It's still possible that you succeeded this cycle. Don't start giving up until you are 2 weeks late and testing negative using first morning pee. Early signs vary - nausea is worst weeks 7-12. Look for fatigue, peeing more often, and PMS signs that are different from normal in timing or intensity. GL!
Thank you for your interest . Anyway i got my period on...that miracle stayed away from me one more time.......i am so disappointed