Can I change my cats' litter boxes w/ a sugical mask & gloves?
Can I get my hair colored?
Yes, you can change your litter box w/ a surgical mask and gloves. Be sure to wash up afterwards too! It's safest just to have some one else do it. Especially if they are indoor/outdoor cats. If they are only indoor cats that never eat raw meat or only eat commercial cat food, the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis is unlikely. You can be tested during pregnancy to see if you have ever had toxoplasmosis. If you have then you have already built up an immunity to it and you are unlikely to get it again. However it's better to be safe than sorry, so still take precautions.
Hair coloring is said to be safe, but others say it isn't. Truth is there just hasn't been enough study done to conclusively say one way or another. So again, it's beeter to be safe than sorry and just skip it for now.