I'm so confused I started spotting yesterday was off and had a pad on for hours with nothing really on it first night in over a week that I took my blood thinner well bleeding picked up well it slowed back down again now I only see pink when I wipe other then that I only have a little on my pad I put on a couple hours ago I have no cramping no pain nothing like this is like my normal period with my normal period the first two days I bleed really heavy that sometimes I have to use night time pads and the cramping is so bad that I don't want to get out of bed with this it's only like spotting off and on other then when I took my blood thinner and no pain at all my period isn't due till 17 and I started this spotting yesterday it all leads to implantation but I'm so confused I have been reading so much even that implantation can get heavier I think the only reason it got heavy was my blood thinner my girlfriend told me not to take it any more plz has anyone had this and it turned out they was pregnant i understand a lot of you aren't on blood thinners but has anyone had implantation bleeding that was light then heavy then light again looks like it's about to stop I'm having tons of other pregnancy signs nausea vomiting emotional boobs sore and I never have these with my period thanks in advance