I was set to have Mirena put in back in January of this year. I was still breastfeeding my 18 month old son and was having signs of fibroids so my doctor asked me to have an ultrasound before I had the Mirena inserted. At my appointment she said that a gestational sac was seen in my ultrasound but my pregnancy test was negative. She sent me home without insertion to wait to see if a test came back positive or for my period to start. About a week later I started my period and the Mirena was inserted. Move ahead about 4 months and I noticed that I was producing a small amount of milk (I had stopped nursing about 3 months earlier). I read online and saw that this is possible, so I didn't think much of it. Now moving ahead about another 3-4 months, I am experiencing back pain and what feels like movement along with weight gain despite a pretty restrictive diet and daily exercise. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative, but the more that I feel these "kick-like" movement and the slow swelling on my stomach, the more I am starting to wonder what could be going on. Could the Mirena be causing either the symptoms or a false negative? I feel silly to contact the doctor because I feel they will think I am crazy. Any thoughts or experience with what could be going on?
Hi Angela. I think you need to get checked out. Don't suggest you are pregnant - docs like to do the diagnosis. Simply tell your symptoms. You may have some other problem.
In July my period came the 25th and was a week and I spotted off and on for a few days after it ended but I only spotted when I wiped after using the bathroom in August it came the 27th it was 2days late and lasted 3 /