Hi girls,
I have been trying to get pregnant for last 5 months but still no luck. In Septmeber we did our best during my ovulation & my period was due on 3rd october but it arrived on 1st october which it lasted only for one and half day with high bleeding & slowly less. Since than i had fever & bodyaches, cramps. I have not yet taken the pregnancy test . Could i be pregnant ???? Is there any way to find out the pregnancy ....
Can you please help me to reduce my confusion ...Please
Unfortunately the best way to find out if you are check it out. Good luck!
Unfortunately the best way to find out if you are is to tun a home pregnancy test. Check it out and best of luck!
Thank you for the reply.. So you are saying I might be pregnant ........ these all symptoms relates to pregnancy... Hope .... I wished i get positive test ...
Hi Grandpa,
The test came negative . should I do the test again because my period is due tomorrow & there are no period syptoms at all. Please let me know .
Actually a fever is not a sign - just a slight temperature elevation only detectable with a sensitive thermometer. Early pregnancy signs are quite similar to PMS and an absence does not suggest pregnancy. If you feel your body is acting differently and pregnancy is not the cause you should perhaps see a doctor for a check up. Sorry I can't be more encouraging.