So tomorrow my son gets his first set of shots, I dont know what Im suppose to do to prepare him for beforehand or what to expect after. How babies respond to them? Please any advice would help lots, Thank you!
I didn't do anything to prepare. I knew it would be hard to see it, so I looked away and just held her little arms and hands. She only cried for a few seconds. She stopped crying as soon as I picked her up. She unusually slept for a couple of hrs and then woke up screaming for about an hr. Then she was fine. No fever, but I gave her baby tylenol just in case. Other than that she was fine. Good luck! It will be long and gone before you know it!!
I gave my daughter tylenol first. They all react differently...my first daughter would let out one huge wail, and then sleep for 10 hours. My younger daughter just cried for a couple of minutes, I gave her her bottle, and then she was herself again.
My baby girl had hers yesterday and she did really well. She cried for awhile, then I fed her and she just played with us for a couple of hours, then went to sleep for about five. She is a little more fussy than usual today, but other than that she did just fine.
| sam - November 30 |
you don't need to prepare before hand. i suppose you can make sure he's fed and isn't sleepy. just prepare yourself for trauma. it's hard to see them in such pain...just have infant tylenol ready for when you get home. he may get a low grade fever and he may be a little sore so the tylenol will be a good thing to have...he might sleep a lot and be a little crankier than usual. poor little heart...i hope he's okay. also, keep an eye on 'em for about 72 hrs for side effects and read the literature the docs give you, unless you've done so already, then you'll know more of what to expect. good luck.
This is what I did. Prepare a warm bottle of milk to comfort him after the shots. Buy a bottle of tylenol infant to standby. Monitor his temperature by touch or thermometer frequently. Fever temperature is at 99F via armpit and 100.4 via rectal. To soothe his sore thighs, I place a warm washcloth. Other than that, just hold him when he cries. My son had fever, sleep a lot and cried nonstop a 4 hours for a day. I cried with him too as I know it hurts. The next day he lost his appet_te. The following day he's fine and back to normal. I hope everything will be ok with your son too. Good luck!
I made sure I *didn't* nurse her before she got her shots..then, when she was crying after the shots, I immediately put her to the b___st; she stopped crying, nursed, fell asleep, and was fine.
Take a Kleenex, you may want to cry! Good luck! It's horrible!