How Many Months Is My Baby
5 Replies
My baby is 8 weeks old. Is he 2 months or 1 & a half months? Sorry if this question is stupid but I am a new mom.
He's 2 months old. Six weeks is a month in a half, eight weeks is two months old. Twelve weeks is three months old.
| me - September 20 |
well concidering that there are sometimes more days in a month than others, this is what I baby was born on the 18th of July. That makes him 9 weeks and one day. However if I calculated by the days, like july 18 - august 18 - sept 18, then I say he is 2 months and 2 days. Get it?
our children have the same birthday :) KH
Those long summer months threw me off too. My daughter is truly 19 weeks but technically, she was only 4 months on Sept 10th so I got really confused to. For me anyways, I always calculated her in weeks until the 12th week mark, then I started going by the months instead just to stop confusing myself and the family members since they like to send her an e-card the 10th of each month. :-)