Gabriel is 7 weeks old. He has been fussy all day long. I feel like a bad mom, but I just thought to check his temp. It was 99.5 after adding the one degree for being under his arm. For his age, is this considered a fever? If not, how high does it have to be to be a fever? Thanks in advance for the advice.
| -m - November 25 |
My daughters doctor told me that you shouldn't worry unless it is 100.4 or higher. 99.5 sounds fine.
give hm some infant tylenol. its suppose to reduce fever, give him the lowest dose. hope this helps.
First, I'd verify the reading with a rectal thermometer. Now keep in mind that underarm thermometers are notorious for adding a full point. If he does have a fever 99.5 is not high, but I'd have him checked in case he's got an infection.
Hi Ruth as far as I know it sounds normal to me...does he have any other symptoms?
The only symptoms are incessive fussiness and crying that has been going on since 6:30 this morning. I don't know......maybe he's just having a bad day.
I was just at the Dr. last week with my little one and they recommend that you take rectally(sp?) now days. He said if it is over 100.4 call right away because a temp. in an infant less than 3 months could be some kind of infection and they would need to run tests? I don't mean to scare you but better safe than sorry. I would call your doctor.
they say not to worry unless it gets over 101..also the best place to take an infant is in the rectum...