Losing The Last 10 Pounds
6 Replies
Ok I have about 10 pounds to lose to get back to my prepregnancy weight. I would like to lose an additional 5 pounds a total of 15 pounds. I have been excercising for a month now and to no avail nothing is happening. I really feel like giving up. I get sooo depress. I feel like giving up.
I am not overeating (OK maybe once or twice) and I have been br___tfeeding which is sopose to help. But nothing. Any one has the seem problem or have any solutions. All the tricks I know is a no no cause I am br___tfeeding and do not want to harm my baby SO NOT WORTH IT. I wanted to nice and slim for Christmas. I am also limited in clothes cause I refuse to buy bigger clothes and get comfortable with how I am. I am totally not comfortable and feel REALLY FAT FAT :(
| LP - October 20 |
When did you have your baby? With my first child it took me approx 14-16 weeks to get back to my original size.
I had my baby Aug 29 2005.
I had my son July 26, I've lost fifteen and have a goal of losing fifteen more before Thanksgiving. I'm doing Pilates twice a week at work and arobics twice a week at the gym and trying to count calories. Not easy and taking a lot longer than I thought!
Thanks Ginger. I am doing Pilates twice a week also. I do Tae Bo twice a week and 30 mins of abs over the weekend. Nothing seems to jump start my metabolism (SP). I am eating fruits and vegs and get in my cabs, potein and fat . Nothing is working.
Karen I think you are doing good. Your baby is only 2 months and you only have 10lbs left to lose!! You will lose the rest, don't worry. I still have 6lbs to lose and my baby is 4 months. I gained over 50lbs during my pregnancy so expected it to take a while. I do see the light at the end of the tunnel though :)
I have heard that a spoonfull of mustard will help start metabolism. Eat 1 spoonfull before each meal!