Just wondering what everyone does at nap time do you let them sleep in swing bouncey chair or do you always put them in their cribs.
My girl is 3 months sleeps through the night but I always let her nap in the day in her swing should I try and put her in her crib? I was just afraid that she would mix up naps from bedtime.When I put her in her crib she knows It's bed time.Just wondering what everyone else does and if I should try putting her down for nap in crib.
In the daytime my baby naps in her swing, on the floor on her quilt, in her ba__sinet, in my arms...She's all over the place! But at night, she stays in her ba__sinet!
I let my baby sleep wherever he fell asleep during the day. At night he went in his crib.
thanks for the info just wondering some people tell me you should always ptu them in their cribs but she likes to nap in her swing or bouncy chair sometimes even the play pen, I guess I'll just do what works eh!