I have a 91/2 week old little girl. Not at every feed, but mostly in the morning, and around 7pm-10pm when I am feeding her she eats for a bit and then crys..but it's screaming! So I try to offer her the br___t again, and she just screams. Sometimes a few minutes later she'll take it, but other times she fusses with her hand in her mouth acting like she's hungry, but won't take anything. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
When my son started doing that we found out he had acid reflux. They scream beacause the acid hurts, especially when they eat, and they refuse to eat even when they are hungry because they a__sociate it with the pain. Lucas is on zantac and it helps a lot. May want to talk to her doc.
My daughter tends to do this when she's over tired. Usually, if I swaddle her and give her a pacifier, she drops straight off to sleep for an hour or two, then wakes up in a much better mood and is able to feed properly. Sometimes it's difficult for her to feed when she has gas though, so it could be that.
Lissi is right, Lucas also cries like that when tired and trying to eat. He has so many digestive issues I tend to blame all his fussiness on the reflux or gas, if it is not at every feeding, and she does eat well when you get her to take it, and does not spit up a lot, and does not appear to be in pain while or just after eating, it could definitely be overtired/overstimulated. I just read the post again and your daughter is already 9 1/2 weeks, reflux Usually starts earlier, for mine it was 4 weeks, I'm sure all babies are different in this aspect as well. I noticed that when he gets that way with his bottles, that I am the only one who can calm him down and get him to eat.
she may also be allergic to something in your milk. the most common allergy is dairy; do you drink a lot of dairy? if so, try cutting it out entirely and see how she does. a friend of mine had this problem with her baby.
\my daughter does that when she needs to burp.