my ds did that twice, once when he was like a month old and when he was like 4 months. He is now 11 and hasnt had that anymore. I think it was reflux, but the ped didnt check him or anything, my sister and I had that when we were babies and doctors didnt know what it was.
I meant 11 months, not 11 years. =D
Mine isn't even 3 weeks old and she does it.
It scares me because she looks so helpless and so scared when she's choking. The Doctor told me not to lay her on her stomach because she might suffocate and I don't know if she's old enough to lay on her side...
Any suggestions?
My son did this until he was 8 months old. It did not matter what position he was in (sitting straight up, laying down, angled in his car seat). According to his doctor, it was a condition with his esophagus that she said would resolve around 7 or 8 mths and she was right. I was told to put him on his stomach to sleep (which I did from the time he was 2 mths) and to try to keep him upright for at least an hour after he ate (which didn't help much because he would spit up and choke sitting straight up). Just know that the condition may resolve as your child grows older. Keep your doctor informed as to his/her symptoms and if it doesn't resolve on its own your doctor can come up with a solution (sending your child for testing or to a specialist ). Good luck
I forgot to mention that I used dr brown bottles from day one... and we tried many different formulas recommend by his pediatrician none of which helped. Some babies will simply grow out of this and others may need testing and medication