hi my 3 month old seems to have started teething. i got her some teething toys but they all seem very big and dont fit in her mouth. are there any toys that worked for you guys. thanx for your help
You don't really have to use toys to alevate the pain of teething. Get a wet wash cloth and stick in the freezer and get it really cold and frozen,....then give it to her. She will love it. I also stuck my daugher pacifier in the freezer.
hi angela, i may not have any advice for you but take comfort that I also seem to have a 3 mth old who seems to have started teething too. I got him some teething toys too. they are too big and he doesn't seem to have enough hand control to hold on to the toys and put it in his mouth.. sigh.
My daughter started teething at 3 months. Our best teething toy was a blanket that had textured rubbery corners. The corners fit in her mouth, and the blanket part caught the drool. You may have to hold the toys or blanket up to the baby's mouth, until her hands work well enough to bring things to her mouth (and they will soon enough).
| MM - August 16 |
They have those little mesh type fruit holders with handles for babys. Should be by the bottles and stuff in the store. Get some cantelope and cube it up or even watermelon. Put it in the freezer for a while so it is not too frozen and give your child that. My daughter loved it!!!!!