Cramping After Having My Membranes Stripped
4 Replies
| Liz - January 13 |
Yesterday I had my membranes stripped. A few hours later I lost my mucus plug and last night I started cramping badly. This morning I am still cramping and because this is my first birth I don't know if these are considered contractions (they hurt...but not as bad as I thought it would) or if I will go into labor soon. Has anyone had this experience? Thanks and good luck to everyone!
I had my membranes swept yesterday and I had menstral like cramps all yesterday. If you have a weak stomach.. don't read ahead, or this is TMI.. let me know!! I was goint to post this and see if it was normal, b/c this is my first, too. I had what looked like black stringy stuff, along with blood coming out for about 12 hrs after my appt. It wasn't really heavy, but everytime I wiped, it was there. Did you have anything like this, or does anyone know if this is normal? How long after the sweep does it usually take to start labor? I am 39 weeks... so this is a last attempt before inducing, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
I am 39 weeks and I want to have my baby soon. How did you ask your doctor or why did your doctor decide to strip your membrains? I have an appointment this Monday and if I don't have the baby this weekend I want to talk to her about doing something to start it all.
No, I didnt ask, she just did it. I have been dialated at a two for 4 weeks, so I think that my be why.... She didn't really say why, she jsut said hopefully this will help you out.
I have been dialated 1-2 cm for over 2 months now (due to preterm labor at 30 weeks). I hope that my doc will do it.