I had my 1st b.b. at 34 wks and was terrified of delivering prematurely again. I am at 381/2 wks, i'm 21/2 cm dilated 80% effaced, the baby's head is well engaged. I can no longer "pee or poo" , my feet are swollen that it hurts to walk, and when i do walk the baby's head pushes on my cervix and send jolts down my legs. Does anybody have any suggestions for me other than s_x, and nipple stimulation. Sorry i'm not daring enough for castor oil either!
with my first I was 1 week late and I went hiking and drank a box full of rasberry tea and went into labour the next day but I have no real answers for you....Good Luck
Mags- Castor oil should work for you even if you only take 11/2 tablespoon it should do the trick for you. You are thinned out enough. I was going to take it last night but my DH said that he had things that he had to get done today so I couldn't take it so i'm gonna try it tonight. I used it with my first child and had him that night. Good Luck.
i took castor oil and i didnt have the poo's...i know thats why you dont wanna take it...i took 3 teaspoons with some sprite at like 8-9 oclock at night and i woke up and 4am with contractions ,and had my perfectly healthy beautiful baby girl at 9:52pm