Great Labor Position Please Read
9 Replies
The squatting position is an AWESOME labor position. For everyone who has had a baby can you imagine having had 30% more room in your pelvic area to birth your baby? Thats about 2-3 extra centimeters of space! There are so many positive benefits that come with the squatting position. "This position encourages the most effeciant, quick ,and natural expulsion of the baby!" You are less likely to tear your perenial tissues in this position, one reason being that you are working with gravity rather than against it and this allows the pressure of the baby's head to naturally fan out your tissues.Once I heard a comparison of birth to a ketchup bottle it said " When you're trying to get some ketchup out of a bottle do you lay it flat on a table or keep it upright?" It only makes sence right? I just wanted to share this information with everyone. Knowledge is Power. One place I learned about this was at .
It's a great site; There childbirth homepage talks about natural birth and trusting in your body .Just thought it would share. Good luck with all your births.
I am only 29 weeks, but have thougt about this one already. The hospital I will be going to has a squatting bar that you can use as well as the birthing ball. I will defnitely try this and just hope that I can hold myself up long enough - ha ha - the problem comes when you get an epidural as this would no longer be an option.
If you plan to try squatting, start practicing it now. It is very hard to acclimate your body to squatting and actually requires a lot of total bosy strength - in your legs & arms and more so to stay that way through a contraction. Practice squatting every day - even several times a day, once you start doing it you will see that it is kinda hard, make sure your feet are flat on the floor also to be able to do it effectively.
I realize it's a good position....but jeez, one more way to look even more primal and unattractive during labor.
Ya I bet this position would look odd, but who cares lol. Birth isn't really an attractive event anyway. Anything that will help me during labor is all that matters to me : )
To everyone, i would diffently recommend this position!!! you will feel more relaxed plus your baby will have alot more room. Good luck to you all!!
| bb - December 28 |
even w/ a squatting bar you can't use this position with an epidural?
Many hospitals won't allow it... Mine did, I had a light epidural.. could still feel legs they were just kinda numb. The nurses in my hospital encourage "active" labor so if you wanted to use the squat bar with your epi they would help steady you. I think it depends on the hospital.. if you have a good solid epi where you can't feel anything and you are cath'd then I seriously doubt they would allow it.. you can't use your legs at ALL with a full epi. It's like they don't exist.
I had a birthing stool with my last bub.. and that was fantasic as well.. I was standing all through my labor until the pushing part and it was such a relief to rest my legs but I was still in like a squatting pos but was supported...
Please tell me, do you have to request ahead of time to arrange this squating position?